Confession time

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Shirou was laying on the rooftop watching the stars when he heard footsteps he could scent michiru

He just kept staring at the sky awaiting his rejection

She lay down next to him quietly and stared at the stars

"Hey Shirou why do you like me?" Shirou tensed and turned his head to stare at her surprisingly she was staring to right back

"Well you've cared for me more than anyone ever has even when I said I was fine after the first time you still held me when I was being stubborn you can handle my stubborn self" his voice cracked a little

Michuru heard this and looked back up "you know why I like you? It's because you save me without a second thought you put yourself ag risk for me as well as other but everytime I was hurt you never scolded me or anything you smiled when I was okay sometimes too it made me realize that you cared for me more than anyone ever-"

Before she could finish shitou stood up his eyes were wide and michiru stood up as well

"Y-you like me?" She nodded "that is my answer" Shirou smiled and hugged her she hugged back

Before each could say anything Shirou held his hand to her face michiru felt his warmth and held his coat tight

As soon as their lips touched each felt happiness beyond reasoning it was shirous first love since 1,000 years ago

Michiru never had a boyfriend and she couldn't imagine a life without meeting him

What they both didn't know is they were each others last love...

Shirous last love Where stories live. Discover now