You Once Told Me

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The car skidded across the lane, a screeching of smoke, then a sudden crash of metal on metal as it came to a halt, a crushed door of the car in front its blockade. The driver in question of that reckless vehicle, clambered out in fatigue and a daze, until, panicking, he started to hobble to the pavement. A slow getaway at first, but soon he managed to collect himself, fear seeping in through that skull of his and pricking at his eyes. He was not scared of the consequences of the damage he had caused, but rather of an earlier event. He had the bad idea to do a drive by against a certain high figure in the business world when his car was parked outside a lonely café, whatever dark business said figure was involved in, he had not even been shot once. Now the naive assassin was fearing for his own life; said man was not going to let that go lightly, oh no no no. He would certainly make a statement.

"What the hell? " You, happening outside the door, a clumsy disheveled look spread across your face, exclaimed. You'd been cleaning the kitchen. You had only heard, not seen, the commotion. You looked at your car, rammed to its side, the culprit.
"Oh for the love of... " Looking right, then left, across the street of a black road, newly paved sidewalk and luscious green front gardens, you see the supposed driver steadily limping away. Grabbing your phone from your pocket, you dial the police as you quickly keep up with the man, though, staying at a safe distance away, not knowing if he would be dangerous. However, a black car with black windows drove past you to your right, seeming to slow down when it caught up with the man in front, who seemed to draw out something as he lifted his blue jacket up. It was a gun. Lifting it out of his black slacks, his right hand barely made it halfway aiming at the car when he was gunned down. He fell back, the gun suddenly pointing your way on his way down and another sound thundered your ears.


You, despite the incident that happened before you, felt a strange sense of calm. It felt, uneasy, however, as you saw the back car door on the left side open, revealing a raven haired man, tall, very tall, with a golden, hook-like prosthetic for his left hand and a cigar which seemed to snap as his teeth clenched shut. He looked over the victim, whom he presumed dead, then looked over at you. You looked at him for a moment, seeing as how his eyes weren't on your own, but looking lower. His stoic demeanor remained strict, a cock of the eyebrow was the only give away that something wasn't right, something which you were addressing slowly. You looked to where he was looking and saw a huge blotch of red just above your stomach area, to the right side, near where the diaphragm is located. You blinked twice. You couldn't even process it before your legs gave way, a sudden dizziness and finally, the pain settling in. The phone in your hand, to which you never managed to dial the last number, tumbled and slid across the pavement as you now lay, pain growing more and the blurriness growing with it.
"What do we do? " You just about heard.
"Take her. " You managed to glance over to the sound, a figure approaching as your vision now began to shadow. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't question nor call out to it. There were more exchanges but they were now inaudible, a sense of tiredness had managed to kiss your sweet eyes goodnight, and you were out cold. It was sunrise when it happened and people knew who this man was, and people knew better, than to open their mouth and sing to the heavens. Hell, even heaven knew better.


"She's a witness. "
"And? "
"And what? "
"Why not let her die, throw away her corpse? "
"... "
"Well? "
"I know her. "
"Hmm? "
"Dismissed. "
"Yes, of course Mr Zero. "


Ticking. Ticking. Tickling your ears, yearning your eyes to flutter open, longing for your mouth to part, wanting to hear your voice. The clock, modern black and white, read eleven thirty at night. You could just about make that out. Eyes squeezed shut, you could barely move. Opening them up again, the fragrance of lavender teased your nose ever so gently. The blur soon wore off and you could see that the modern clock was indeed true and glowed a white aura so that those could see it of a night. You doubted you could ever sleep knowing there was even a hint of light in your room, but you had done now.
"Wai... O... " You managed to whimper, the flashes of memories of the driver, the shooting and that tall man. "Agh. "
Pain seared your belly as you tried to move, a frustrated groan emanating from your throat threatened to cry out screams now as the pain only started to get worse. Looking around frantically, you didn't seem to be in a hospital; your room looking too basic and homely. You tried to get up, but your body declined and agonised over the thought of having to bear your weight as weak as you were. White lines were now scratching the surface of your vision. You could almost thank the heavens that the sound of footsteps were arriving at your door, but then remembered of the potential danger they may withhold, each step vibrating a sense of power, status and a person who seemed to own the place. He must own it, the owner themselves wouldn't allow anyone else to do so. They soon stopped, a few seconds of eyeing the door, before it resonated three knocks. Then three more, after silence its only answer.
"Who... " You could barely announce.
And he didn't wait. The door opened, the man behind it having to stoop a little to get through. You couldn't see at first who it was, but a flick of the light switch illuminated the room and you were now looking at him. That same, stoic face looking back into yours.
"Do you remember me? " He spoke, his voice low and deep, a hint of smoke leaving his lips as he did so, a cigar protruding from his forefinger and middle finger of his right hand. All you could do was shake your head, you really couldn't. It confused you, how could you know a man like him? You never let your eyes leave his face, trying to remember anything, any small hint, but you drew up blanks.
"Hmm. " He walked closer, noticing now how much pain you were in; clenched fists, eyes closing and opening, fast breathing. He motioned behind him, someone you hadn't noticed was there, to come forward.
"She needs attention, she needs medication. For the pain. And check her wound is not infected. Clean it again, best make sure. " The woman nodded at the man and brought in with her a bag.

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