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~ I'm still adding to this, it is still incomplete. ~


"So, you met with him? " Smoker asked, a hint of surprise.

"Yes, but he seemed okay, nothing that caused concern. " Tashigi responded. "He seemed genuine, I think he is truly grieving. "
"Well, we had no evidence anyway. If you believe he wasn't putting on an act, then we'll have to look for more suspects and look for more motive to open that field. Oh and next time, tell me when you're paying visits to suspects, okay?" Mildly scolding her, he'd be none the wiser if anything had happened to her.
Tashigi adjusted her glasses, thinking for a moment.
"Didn't he say his wife liked to go the gym? What if someone there was, maybe, watching her or something? And yes Sir, sorry. " She said, nervously laughing it off.
"Well, it's a place to start afresh. "
"I guess. Are we going? " She asked the white haired man, a cigar crushed in the astray.
"Yeah, get your jacket. But first, we'll need to find out what gym it is. " He chuckled when she fumbled with her phone, clumsily trying to dial a co-worker if they could find out the address.
"No need to rush, Tashigi. "


Crocodile puffed out cigar smoke, lazily looking at his desk, a pile of work yearning to be completed. He had been working most of the day and he thought he'd call it there, but just a few minutes ago, his assistant told him that someone was requesting to see him. He had, reluctantly, said yes with a pinch to the bridge of his nose and an irritated sigh. Now here the visitor was, sitting on the seat opposite his desk, wearing all black.
"I, requested to see you, so that... " He shifted a little "so that you could perhaps, do me a favour. "
Crocodile raised his eyebrow slightly, tapping the ash of his cigar into the ashtray, then returned it to his lips.
"I'll do anything, pay you anything or do you a favour in return, hell both if you really want. " He continued, yet cautiously, still embedded with a hint of desperation. "I've, not really got anything left to lose anyway. "

Crocodile scanned the man, weighing his words. "You think I am an assassin for hire? "
The man blinked, stunned by the question. "You think I'm unaware of your situation? It's all over the news. "
"I know it's, a lot to ask and risky... "
"How did you know of my business? " Crocodile cut him off, causing him to shake a little. "And I don't mean my being a casino owner. You know very well what I mean. "
The man looked worried now, as if a literal crocodile was waiting to clamp down its jaws on its prey, lusting for that bloody flesh. Crocodile simply stared at the man, his face remaining emotionless, his voice only showing off a hint of a threatening temper.
"I, know people too. One suggested I, take my request to you. He said you were a trusted businessman and that, you would always get the job done. " He spoke through gulps "I... "
"Who? "
"L... Look, I can't reveal that information. "
Although Crocodile remained stoic, his voice was rising, clear that he was not happy. If people spoke freely of his dark business then he had to get rid of them.
"He said, that he doesn't normally, speak about it, but... "
"But? "
"I, was desperate. I begged him. I begged of him to do it for me but, he said he doesn't kill. "
"WHO?! " Crocodile boomed, freaking the man out, jumping like a chicken and eyes darting everywhere. "You want business with me or not? "
"He, works for you. " Giving up he told him straight now, not wanting to anger him further. "Mr 3, he goes by, right? Galdino. He's, also a friend of mine. "
"So he's even told you his codename. " Crocodile was clearly irritated at this, tapping his golden hook against the mahogany. "I'll deal with him later. "
"Wait. Look he didn't exactly say what your business was, I just got the hint, ya know? "
"Hush. " The grieving man shut his mouth. "Now, as to what you want. "
"You're, taking my request? "
"What do you want? My patience is wearing thin. "
"I know who killed my wife, Sir. I, would like them dead. " He said quickly.
"Name? "
"His name's Kid. " He answered.
"You're dismissed. I'll contact you when it is done. You, from here on out, do not and I mean, do not, contact me in any way shape or form, got that? " Crocodile looked down at the small man. "Good. "
The man had nodded right away, leaving from his seat and quickly making his exit.
"One more thing, Dr Harley. " He stopped, looking back over his shoulder at the huge man still at his seat "I won't do anything to Mr 3, but you tell him that if he so much as whispers anything about my business again, he will die by my own hands. I don't normally do business for others, only for myself. It would be a shame to lose my best lock picker and thief but, he has stepped dangerously over the line. "
The doctor nodded again, taking his leave. Crocodile gritted his teeth slightly, before standing up, deciding to call it a day there and then. He knew of Kid, how arrogant he was. He had decided to do this because it would actually benefit him. Kid was rising in the black market and Crocodile couldn't just let that be, plus he would ask for a huge, huge, payment from the doctor, keeping in mind he would also be willing to do him a favour too. Smiling slightly, he left his office, locking up and addressing the assistant to finish up and make her way home too, who thanked him, relieved. The next few days were going to be fun.

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