chapter 12

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Amelie's POV

tony: we need to talk and i'm not giving you a choice amelie!

my heart sunk. he always says we need to talk. but it never ends out the way he says. he takes my hand and drags my crying ass outside

tony: amelie please don't cry

you: what am i supposed to do than?! you hurt me so bad because i love you! and i wish i never had because i'm so stupid!

tony: amelie... its not like that


tony: amelie listen to me. i was scared okay? scared of hurting you and getting hurt myself. so i told you that we couldn't be more than friends. i'm sorry. and i kissed emma because i was hurting okay? just like how you cuddled with ondreaz last night

you: tony...

tony: amelie i get if you don't accept my apology, but please don't be angry at me

he looked at me with glossy eyes. i was hurt to see him like this. i want to accept it. i really do! but its hard... amelie you love him!

you: god damn it tony i forgive you

tony: friends?

ouch that hurt

you: *gulp* friends

tony pulls me in for a giant hug. then i hear a girls voice behind me


tony: emma she's my best friend

he's hurting me...

emma: you can't hurt any other girl thats not me!

tony: emma she's my friend gosh!

then emma starts crying. tony goes to go comfort her as she screams that she just wants to spend time with him. they sit by the pool, hugging and kissing, forgetting that i'm still there. i walk back inside the house and sigh

ondreaz: did he apologise?

you: yeah we're good... but emma doesn't want him hanging with me

ondreaz: is that why your crying?

you: i'm what?

i touch my face and notice that tears are streaming down my cheeks.

you: forget it

i walk upstairs feeling a little weird. i knock on charli's door and ask if they want to go to the pool

charli: of course but its like 15 degrees

you: its hot

dixie: are you sure your not sick?

charli: you look kinda pale

you: i'm just tired okay?

charli: if you don't mind, i'm going to stay here

you: i'll just go myself

i go to my room and change into a bathing suit

i head to the pool with my phone in my hand, and dangle my legs at the side of the pool

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i head to the pool with my phone in my hand, and dangle my legs at the side of the pool. i eventually plunge my body into the pool and set my phone up to make a tik tok. after filming my tik tok. i just swim by myself... and after a while, i go sit in the hot tub. than i hear someone come

addison: hey amelie are you okay?

you: i'm just thinking...

addison: yeah ondre told me i hope your okay

you: i'm fine

addison: maybe you should go inside amelie

you: yeah your right. i don't feel well

time skip


took a shower and change into some hoodie and shorts and sit myself on the couch. emma and tony were making dinner today and i genuinely didn't feel like eating. my eyelids became heavy and before i knew it, i was asleep

Addison's POV

charli: she has a little fever...

tony: she was fine when we talked tho

dixie: she's stressed okay?! its making her sick!

ondreaz: i'll take her to her room

addison: okay

tony: but she didn't eat...

addison: i'll try wake her up and ask

i try wake amelie up

amelie: i'm tired..

addison: just eat something

amelie: i'm not hungry

addison: you haven't eaten anything since the morning

tony: besides i cooked

amelie: tony, i said i'm not hungry!

ondreaz: i'll get amelie to bed

Amelie's POV

you: thanks ondre

ondreaz: no problem. get better okay?

you: okay but dre... don't tell your brother that i'm sick over him okay?

ondreaz: how are you going to get better

you: dre i'll figure it out. as long as he's happy

ondreaz: what about you being happy?

you: dre, i love him... let him live his life and be happy

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