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"(YYYYYY/NNNNNNN)!" The fierce roar echoed through the whole mansion, and the only person who could have pissed off Robtish was either his brother Steeleto or.. you guessed it, (Y/N).

It was unclear as to what you had done this time, though the question was quickly answered when you came sprinting into the living room with Robtish on your tail. The fierce Scottish warrior no longer looked as scary as when he was still full nighlok, now instead of some kind of weird helmet on his head he now has red hair with silver tips. He was still very tall and he seemed to be rather pale, the reason he properly was mad was because of the radish skirt and hat.

The two of them circled the couch for a few minutes while the other nighlok in the room were dying of laughter. Robtish seemed to slowly get tired, so you took the advantage and B-lined it over the couch and further into the mansion, your laughter echoing through the halls.

( Time Skip )

The door bashed open with a heavy breathing Robtish leaning on the door frame. "Madimot, ye hadn't happened to see that lil' cunt anywhere" (I am so sorry) the blond turned his head rather dramatically towards Robtish, his golden locks falling down over his eyes and glasses so he had to turn towards him whilst closing his book and getting his hair out of his face.

"If you're talking about (Y/N) then No, I happened to have not." Madimot had to physically stop himself from scowling at the much larger male. He ran a hand through his golden tipped dark blue hair with a strained smile. "But I hope you find them. And without too much of a ruckus, as I'm trying to read. Now shoo" he turned back and readjusted his blue tinted reading glasses. "Why you high horse simple minded basta-"


Madimot chuckled at the insult, "simple minded? You must have forgotten which abilities I have, at least I think twice before I attack, unlike you, you simple minded plank" small almost silent giggles erupted from under the table, Madimot was about to open his book again before you popped your head up from under the table and in between his legs, you rested your arms on his lap and smiled up at him, "thank you for hiding me" you giggled again. Madimot had to looked away to hide his completely red face, even using his hand to hide.

He simply hummed and nodded, unable to looked down at you. "What's the matter Madimot?" You asked, slipping out from under the table and onto his lap. You quickly knew why Madimot was acting like this, he never had any human contact let alone have someone to show him love and affection. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck, hiding your face.

It wasn't long before Madimot could control himself again and wrapped his arms around you too. He lied his head on your head and smiled. "You know (Y/N).. I-" soft snoring cut him off, causing him to chuckle. Maybe he could save it for later.

Huhuhuhhuu UWu

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