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Requested by Kuno0014

angry to yourself. Why had you interfered in their fight? No no, those other Rangers were hurt and you couldn't bare to watch, so you had leaped from the sidelines and dealt a striking blow to their opponent, just enough to fell the outlaw. You stood, back facing the explosion from the fight, and slowly started walking away. Whether the outlaw would be magnified or not was not your problem no more, as the Rangers seemed to be back on their feet.

"Wait!" Someone called, possibly the red Ranger. You stilled for a second, turning your head slightly to read their expressions, despite the helmet blocking your face you tried to give a sign that you were listening.

"Who.. Who are you?" The young man questioned, moving to approach you. Though you were out of there the second he got too close, not feeling it for answering questions at the time. Running farther into the thick forest, farther away from the Rangers who you should have just left alone.

Once you were sure you were far enough away you unmorphed, fixing your frizzled hair and sitting down on a rock, gently staring at your energem. You felt the soft thrum of energy escape from the gem, before a not so soft buzz of electricity hit your chest, sending you tumbling off the rock and behind it, dropping the energem at the same time. you groaned softly, wiping some dirt off your face.

you were quick to get up and lean over the rock, reaching for your energem when someone else grabbed it. You looked up slowly, taking in the persons appearance. You gulped, moving slowly back and onto your feet.

Before you stood one of Sledges lackies, clad in leather and sharp lightning weapons sticking out of his shoulders and forearms, in one of his hands he held a strange sword, complete with a mighty lions mane.

"Finally! an energem!" His voice was gruff and gravely, fitting his appearance. you narrowed your eyes, you've seen him before somewhere, but where?

"it sure is, but it ain't yours!" You got into a fighting stance. You snatched up a rock as you charged forwards. You were quick to swing at his head before he was fully aware of you, resulting a sickly snap. Sledges lacky stumbled backwards, letting out a strange disoriented groan. But before he could gain his vision you slammed your shoulder into his stomach, causing him to throw out his arms to catch himself, but you used that to your adventage and kicked his hand that held your energem. The both of you watched as it flew into the air.

You ran forwards and leaped off his shoulders, catching your energem mid-air. You were quick to morph and backflip onto the ground again, staring right back at sledges lacky. He seemed in awe for a second before regaining his fighting stance, shaking his head.

"I may be a power ranger, but i sure don't play nice like they do." you scuffed, summoning your dino blade.

"Just what i like!" He growl lowly, charging forewards with a roar. You blocked his hits making sure to keep an eye on his fighting strategies. You blocked one of his hits, pushing back against him, you could see as you moved him back that he used his claws to get a better grip on the ground, so you quickly felled him by faking a hit to his left side before kicking the inner side of his knee. He went down quick and you used that to elbow his head.

He fell back, quickly stumbling up again and went for a hit but you beat him to it and stabbed him in the side, proceeding to kick him in his face and held him down by keeping him on the ground with your foot on the side of his face.

"Next time you go around stealing " You scoffed, twisting the blade in his side which caused him to let out a strained cry of pain. "make sure the person you're stealing from isn't stronger than you." you said, getting up and off of him. You ummorphed and stuffed your energem into your pocket with a simple sigh, you turned to walk away but stopped at the sound of the poor guys whining. You looked back, taking a genuine look at what you had done, which caused you to cringe lightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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