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The crackling sound filled the ashy sky, slowly becoming louder and louder with each passing minute.

It was hard to breath, the trees were black and the sky was lit up by the raging fire.

Suddenly another sound made its self known, crying, someone was crying. You wandered further into the burning forest, dodging falling branch's and roots.

In a meadow sat an young child on their knees, the crying came from here, but why? As you walked closer you felt as if you knew the child, but it was impossible to see their face, it was as if each time you looked towards them that their face disappeared but didn't actually disappear.

Small (E/C) orbs looked up at you, and you looked back from the corner of your eye, they were the one crying. But who was the old woman on the ground in front of them?

Before you could even look at the old woman on the ground the flames of the forest raged higher, before folding down onto you like a wave.

— * —

You sprung up from your bed while gasping like a fish out of water, the dream felt so real.. or was it a nightmare? You waved the thought off and wiped your eyes, you didn't even know why you were crying in the first place, but that nightmare felt like it had happened in real life as well. You shook your head and got out of bed, fixing your (F/C) pajama shirt.

You wrapped your blankets around your body and left your room, silently walking down the hall. The place was so damn big that even the nighloks* got lost in it. You sighed and tightened your grip on the blanket, why is it so cold right now? It usually a lot warmer at night because of most of the nighloks make sure the fireplace is alive and they stay up all night, but 'it was alright because we aren't humans, we don't need much sleep' or something like that, like please no need to flex about it. You chuckled to yourself as you walked down the stairs in almost pitch darkness, the only thing lighting the halls were the moonlight shining through the windows.

It was unnerving that it was so quiet, usually some nighloks would still be awake at this hour, but it seemed that no one was actually awake. You wandered down into the living room, noticing a few blankets and pillows on the floor, you looked over the side of the couch to find Vulpes sleeping on the couch with Steeleto sitting upright by Vulpes feet, also sleeping. You silently walked around the couch towards to kitchen, stopping half way to looked over at them again, you saw Robtish lying half way on one of the giant couch cushions with a blanket draped over him, and on the other side of the couch was Tooya, who was lying in a nest of pillows with a blanket over him, only his red and blue hair visible. You weakly smiled at them and continued into the kitchen, failing to notice two blue glowing eyes looking at you go into the kitchen.

You, as quietly as possible, opened a cabinet and grabbed a glass before filling it with water. You sighed and looked out the window, admiring the moon for a little while. You looked around the kitchen while taking a sip from your glass before turning towards the window again. It felt so unreal as a wave of flames rage up against the window, causing you to drop your glass onto the floor and slip.

"(Y/N)? What happened- Oh god!" A rather soft voice called from the entrance of the kitchen. "Tooya? I thought you and others were asleep" you whisper-yelled. He quickly ran over to you and lifted you away from the glass shards and onto the chair. "How could I sleep when you were making so much noise.. oh dear, you're bleeding" he grabbed another chair and placed your bloody leg on it.

"Plus, how did this even happen?" He asked without looking back as he searched from some bandaids and tweezers, even bringing a wet towel. He sat down and picked the glass shards out of your legs, at least you were lucky enough to not get any shards in your foot or hands. "W-Well..you'll probably just call me crazy.." you said as you looked away from him. "What could possibly be more crazy than me, a terrible monster, sitting here helping you clean your wounds." He spoke, stopping to look up at you before continuing. You sighed and gave up, telling your vision and nightmare.


Tooya yawned and got up, walking over to the trash bin with the glass shards. "So basically you've started getting nightmares because you don't sleep enough?" He asked again, walking over to you to help you up. "How did you know I don't get enough sleep?" He chuckled at your confusion. "We can hear you walking around in your room y'know" you looked away rather embarrassed. He led you into the living room before letting go of you and sitting down in the nest of pillows, wrapping his blanket around him and then opened up his arms towards you. You wobbled a little as you walked and then dropped, luckily being caught in Tooya's fluffy grasp. He giggled and leaned back up against the couch, allowing you to adjust yourself so you sat a little better.

"-K I S-" "S I N G" two slurred voices overlapped each other as they sang, laughing quietly afterwards. The two of you looked up at the two tired nighloks, Steeleto and Vulpes. They seemed to finally wake up when Tooya glared at them, he told to come closer and whispered something to them. You turned away from the three and looked over at Roptish who had slide onto the floor, the only thing still on the giant couch cushion was his arm and leg, you giggled at the sight before returning to the three nighloks. Steeleto and Vulpes looked at each other and nodded and then nodded at Tooya, they got up and walked into the kitchen.

You had gotten up and was trying to not fall, hoping that you could get to the stairs. You looked over at Tooya who was in a blanket cocoon, he popped his head out and smiled at you. You stumbled and fell, falling straight into his arms again, he wrapped the blanket all around the two of you. You lied your head on his chest, he pulled the blanket down a little so the both of you could breath.

He chuckled softly when he heard soft snores coming from you, he kissed your forehead and placed his head on yours. Tooya made sure you seemed comfortable and finally let himself get some sleep.


"That was all the shards, right?" Vulpes looked up at Steeleto and hummed, throwing out the last shards. "I can't believe he made so do that" Vulpes said, groaning. "At least we got something for doing it" Steeleto waved the ticket around. "And soon it's gonna be mine- Oh look! It seems I won" Vulpes laughed, pointing to Tooya and (Y/N) lying entangled with each other. "Damn you and your stupid bets" Steeleto hissed. Vulpes laughed and grabbed his ticket, "your just mad that I always win.. and Oop! Now I got two tickets!" // "Oh come on! Don't rub it in!"

*btw these —*— are time skips

A little scary scary with some fluff
Hueheueh Owo

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