That Night

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Ocean left work and went home ... Noah said that he would come by later

Ocean's Thoughts
- Why
Her thoughts were broke by a knock on the door , Ocean's Dad was at the door , He walked in

Ocean ~ So ??
O's D ~ I was talking to Noah and he said that you two are happy
Ocean ~ Yep
O's D ~ I'm happy too , it's just that you are my babygirl and I don't want him to (GCO)
Ocean ~ Dad we have knew Noah for our whole life and he will never break my heart , Trust me ??
O's D ~ But if he does ?
Ocean ~ I will hurt him
O's D ~ Okay see you tomorrow
Ocean ~ Yeah bye

They said bye and Noah knocked on the door a few minutes after her dad left ... Ocean bit her lip

Noah ~ Wow
Ocean ~ What ??
Noah ~ Your Outfit
Ocean ~ Oh , do you like it ?
Noah ~ No , I love it
Ocean ~ *Kisses him
Noah kisses her back , his hand moves to her ass then he grabs her butt making her gasp but before they continue there was a knock on the door when Ocean went to open it ... It was TAYLOR !!!

Taylor ~ Hey Besties
Ocean and Noah ~ Hey
Taylor ~ Why are y'all talking like that
Ocean whispers in her ear - I was about to get fucked bitch
Taylor ~ Oh sorry but your mom said we need to get back to work
Ocean ~ Now ???
Taylor ~ Apparently your dad has been .....
Taylor didn't say nothing because she is scared to tell her bestie that her dad got shot
Ocean ~ Taylor what is wrong??
Taylor ~ Your dad got shot
Ocean ~ What ?? He was just here
Taylor ~ Well
Ocean broke down , she could not believe that her dad probably won't live

Taylor and Noah left Ocean alone so she could get some rest but she wanted Noah so she went into the guest room where he was and pull down his shorts and boxers and sat on Noah's Banana and then Noah woke up out of his sleep to see his girlfriend riding his dick

Noah ~ Groaned
Ocean ~ I want you to give it to me
Noah ~ Stop
Ocean ~ Why ?? I want you
Noah ~ I know but I don't want to rush you
Ocean ~ You are not rushing me
Noah ~ You want to have sex and is this your way of ending your pain
Ocean ~ Laughs ~ Pain ?? What pain ??
Noah ~ Ocean your dad just got shot
Ocean ~ So you don't want to make me happy
Noah ~ I do but why like this
Ocean got up and pulled her panties and shorts up and walked to the guest door
Noah ~ Ba (GCO)
Ocean had then slammed the door and cried herself to sleep

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