Talking it out

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After Ocean's Aunt adopted ocean's brother , Ocean and her mom and her brother talked everything out and now Noah has big news

After Ocean's Aunt adopted ocean's brother , Ocean and her mom and her brother talked everything out and now Noah has big news

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Ocean knocks on the door
Ocean ~ Hey Babe 
Noah ~ Hey Baby

They walk inside and Ocean see his parents
Ocean and Noah's mom hug each tight
Ocean and Noah's dad did their handshake
Ocean ~ So what's up
Two girls walks downstairs
Ocean ~ Hey Queen
Noah ~ How do you know Queen ??
Ocean ~ We were besties before I met you
Noah ~ Oh
Queen ~ Hey Ocean
Ocean ~ Is this your child ??
Queen ~ Yep
Ocean ~ She is sooo Cute
Mia ~ Thank you
Ocean ~ You're welcome
Noah ~ Ocean this is my daughter
Ocean ~ * Shocked * Ohh
Ocean runs outside and Noah's mom chases after her and ocean gets in her car
Brittany ~ Ocean babygirl what's wrong
Ocean ~ I have been keeping a secret from Noah
Brittany ~ What is it ??
Ocean ~ * Takes a deep breath * My doctor said I probably won't be able to make it pass 2nd Trimester if I get pregnant
Brittany ~ So What are you saying
Ocean ~ I'm saying me and Noah have been dating for 2 years now and I want to get married and have kids but I can't have babies ... Just tell Noah I said bye please
Brittany ~ Okay
Ocean leaves
Noah ~ Mom why Ocean left ??
Brittany ~ Because Noah , she doesn't think you are ready for the news she has
Noah ~ What is it ??
Brittany ~ I cant tell you
Noah ~ Okay , I'll call her

On the phone
Noah ~ Babe ??
Ocean ~ Hello
Noah ~ What is the news
Ocean ~ It is a 50/50 chance of me having babies and I wanna to get married
Noah ~ I'm going Propose to you soon
Ocean ~ But I don't want you to think that you just married because you feel bad for me
Ocean ~ Okay babe I have to call you back
Noah ~ You don't think I'm fr
Ocean~ I don't
Noah ~ You don't
Ocean ~ Nope
Noah ~ Just come by tomorrow, my daughter birthday tomorrow and everyone from work is coming and her mom is leaving and she wants me and you to adopt my daughter
Ocean ~ I would love to be her mom
Noah ~ See you tomorrow
Ocean ~ Okay babe

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