Are we good ??

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Ocean woke up and got ready for work , Noah was still sleep so she decided to wake him up

Ocean starts kissed on his chest and kissed his neck and let some hickeys

Ocean starts kissed on his chest and kissed his neck and let some hickeys

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Noah's Chest

Ocean had seen that she had left Scratches on his chest from last night

Noah ~ Babe
Ocean ~ Yess
Noah ~ I love you so much
Ocean ~ I love you too
Noah ~ I see that you gave me hickeys
Ocean ~ I'm sorry
Noah ~ It's okay , You are my wife so you can do whatever to my body and I can do whatever to your body
Ocean ~ Expect Abuse right ???
Noah ~ Right
* They laugh and then they here little footsteps coming into their room *
Mia ~ Heyyyy
Noah and Ocean ~ Heyy babygirl
* She gets in the bed with Noah and Ocean *
*Ocean gets up and does everything she needs to do *

Phone Conversation
Taylor ~ Oh Hey
Ocean ~ Hey
Taylor ~ Look I'm so so sorry
Ocean ~ It's okay
Taylor ~ But I shouldn't have done it , I guess I just wanted my bestie to be pregnant when I get pregnant
Ocean ~ Ohh ... Wait what
Taylor ~ I'm pregnant
Ocean ~ And I beat you up , OMG I'm soorry
Taylor ~ *Laughing * It's okay
Ocean ~ Want to come over
Taylor ~ Sure
End of Conversation

Ocean ~ Babe Taylor and Ethan are about to come over
Noah ~ Okay , So you and Taylor made up
Ocean ~ Yep

Ocean ~ Babe Taylor and Ethan are about to come overNoah ~ Okay , So you and Taylor made up Ocean ~ Yep

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* Taylor and Ethan are here *

Ocean ~ Taylor something is weird
Taylor ~ What's up
Ocean ~ I haven't got my period in 2 months
Taylor ~ You probably are pregnant
Ocean ~ Let's go to the doctor

*Doctor's Office *
Ms. Moon ~ How are you Ocean
Ocean ~ I'm great
Ms.Moon ~ So tell me everything
Ocean ~ I haven't got my cycle for 2 months and I have Been throwing up lately
Ms. Moon ~ You need to pee in a cup and We will do a Ultrasound
Ocean ~ Okay

* Ocean pees in a cup and it comes back positive and Now for the Ultrasound *

Ms.Moon ~ Might be cold for a bit
*Ocean jumps then laughs *
Ms. Moon ~ Yep you are 2 months pregnant
* Ocean starts crying and smiling *
Ocean ~ I cant believe it
Ms. Moon ~ We still need to check on you on every appointment and call us if anything happens
Ocean ~ Okay

 Moon ~ We still need to check on you on every appointment and call us if anything happens Ocean ~ Okay

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