The Tea Party

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"Hello there, Alex!" Elizabeth said, coming through the doorway, and it all made sense. Of course Nicholas couldn't enjoy this alone. "Would you mind coming over here for a minute?"

Even though Father hadn't said that he had to obey Elizabeth, he'd bet his arse that Nicholas did. So, he went to her, hoping that whatever her plans were weren't too terrible.

"I need your help," Elizabeth explained. "Nicholas told me that I could have you while he was gone, just so you don't get a big head. I need a favor."

"Favor?" Alexander asked a little impatiently. Elizabeth slapped him, but it was a lady's slap. It stung for a moment, and surely made his cheek red, but it didn't make his bones ache or earn him a bruise. Still, he raked in his ego for a bit.

"Yes, you blithering idiot, a favor, or ten depending on your performance."

"What is it?"

"I need you to serve me and my friends today at our tea gathering. Make the tea, serve it to us, and throw in a few cakes while you're at it. I'll need them in three hours in the courtyard."

Alexander's first response was anger. Sure, he was disliked in general, but he was still referred to as 'sir' by the public, he was catered to at every whim and wish, he had personal servants. Tea serving was for twelve-year-old girls, and peasants at that. But Alexander managed to humble himself and head off in search of the kitchen.

Even though a few of the cooks snickered at his first few attempts, there were few witnesses of his chore. It turned out that he'd also inherited his mother's cooking abilities because by the time he was supposed to leave the kitchen, he found that he'd created perfectly fluffy cakes. The teas had been a cinch, but the cooks were impressed by his baking. Evidently, so was his sister.

She took a bite out of a little pink one infused with wild strawberries and sighed in delight before catching herself and frowning. "There's no way that you made these," she scolded, putting her pastry down. "I'm letting Nick know as soon as he gets back.

"No, honest," he pleaded, "Ask anyone in there! It took me a few tries, but it's mine! No help!"

Elizabeth felt jealousy begin to simmer in her chest, and it frightened her. She'd never been very good at ladylike things. She had no love in her heart for sewing and she couldn't cook. It had tested her mother's patience endlessly. Even though she'd only been five when she died, it was expected of a noble lady to first walk, talk, and then sew and learn to make tea. When she'd passed away, Elizabeth had scarcely picked up anything of the sort, hence becoming a wine taster for the king. It took no skill to be poisoned. The fact that her little brother was a pure natural...

Elizabeth's first friend sauntered in, wearing a miniscule corset and a flamboyant hoop skirt. The neckline of her shirt dipped halfway to her belly button and Elizabeth had to lightly smack Alexander to tear his gaze away. The whole dress was elegant purple, which pegged her as royalty. Alexander's jaw dropped. It was the princess herself.

"Your brother was marvelous in the parade, Elizabeth! I would have taken him to bed with me if you hadn't stolen him all night."

The girls giggled like they do and Alexander bit his lip to keep from groaning.

"Well, maybe you can catch him when he comes back. He's doing his ride through town."

The princess Angelica plucked a little cookie off of the platter and stuck it in her mouth. "Oo!" she exclaimed. "This is delicious! Did you make these?"

"In fact, I did," Elizabeth said, staring Alexander down, challenging him to deny it. However, Alexander couldn't have cared less if she wanted to take the credit. It was a woman's job after all. It was more embarrassing to him that he was an okay baker than if Elizabeth wanted his glory.

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