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jay and y/n paused, the weight of their words sitting heavily in the silence. this was it, the moment she had been waiting her whole life for, and it couldn't have been at a worse timing.

tears began to spill down her cheeks, despite y/n's frantic attempts to blink them back. after weeks of searching she had finally found her soulmate but, it was like the universe was mocking her because, her flight home was booked for three days later.

her soulmate was surprised by the tears. at first he had thought it was rain that pooled in her eyes until he reached forward, to cup her cheek in the palm of his hand, and was met with a familiar warmth.

hoseok will admit that he was a little flustered to start with, but years of being his sister's shoulder to lean on had prepped him for this moment. he tipped forward onto his knees and gathered y/n in his arms.

y/n was surprised by the sudden cocoon of arms around her, but she couldn't help but feel completely safe in jay's embrace. her hands hovered nervously for a couple heartbeats before, she gave into her instincts and, y/n clutched at handfuls of jay's hoodie.

the rain was their own little soundtrack, as their moment was filled with cold wetness and a warm embrace. y/n was sure to remember this specific point in time for many years to come.

when they finally broke apart, y/n fought back the urge to whine at the loss of heat, jay greeted her with another heartbreaking smile.

when they finally broke apart, y/n fought back the urge to whine at the loss of heat, jay greeted her with another heartbreaking smile

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"do you trust me?"

y/n was broken out of her trance by the loaded question. it was, in all respects, a completely valid question.

this was a complete stranger. yes, he was her soulmate. but, that didn't change the fact she had literally just met him.

if y/n really thought about it, then it was less a question of trust, and more a leap of faith. as jay waited patiently for her, his hand outstretched with his palm facing up, y/n followed her heart.

she silently placed her hand over his, nodding as she did so, allowing the tips of his fingers to close over her smaller digits. together they stood up and began making their way down the street, jay taking the lead.

they never let their hand drop, and y/n gratefully soaked up any inch of warmth she could. y/n spent so much time internally marvelling at how perfectly their hands fit together that she didn't notice when they had arrived.

at least not until jay gentle squeezed her palm, making her look up at him. jay didn't seem to be annoyed by her lack of attentiveness, but rather fond instead, if the look in his eye was anything to go on.

y/n held her breath for reason she could not find within her immediate thoughts, only releasing it when they stepped over the threshold and out of the torment of rainfall.

"you okay?"

she nodded wordlessly, carefully toe-ing of her shoes before picking them up with her free hand as jay did. it was probably sensible to let go of their hands now, but y/n wasn't in a sensible kind of mood, besides jay seemed to holding on just as tightly.

jay and y/n padded their way across the entryway to the elevators on the far side. they unanimously ignored the squelching sound their socks made as they met vinyl floors.

jay used his knuckle to press on the call button for the elevator, his puma trainers dangling from his index and middle finger. y/n held her shoes in the same manor, but on the opposite hand.

thankfully, it didn't take long for the elevator to arrive, and they both entered once the doors had slid open after the announcing 'ding' of arrival. y/n did an awkward shuffle sideways, before going back to standing shoulder to shoulder with jay, when she realised that the elevator was opening the opposite way for jay's floor.

jay tried to hide his amused smile by turning his face, but y/n had caught it and felt her cheeks getting hot. y/n bit her lip, the embarrassment feeling amplified by the yet-to-be-broken silence, but jay gently squeezing her hand had eased her mind.

soon enough they reached jay's floor, and the elevator slid open after a sweet little 'chime' rather than a 'ding' like earlier. when they stepped out and into the hallway, y/n felt a little out of her depth.

this became even more apparent when a fully suited man appeared out of seemingly thin air and bowed to jay.

"welcome home master."

y/n's jaw dropped open.

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