The Hooded Stranger

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It was dark and cold night. Ally was walking down the street trying to get home. She turned down a backstreet to shorten the distance to her house. She smelled something weird and the energy in the area felt eerie. She continued walking suddenly she tripped over something. She turned over sitting down. She felt something wet around her. She thought it was water at first but the texture of it was weird. She noticed her hands were red and she looked down. She was in a big pool of blood. Her eyes went to the bodies that she tripped over. She let out a loud scream crawling backwards. She stopped when she hit something.

Ally's heart dropped when she realized it wasn't the wall. She felt whoever it was kneel down behind her. She could feel their breath on her neck. They let out sinister, blood curling chuckle. She looked at the bodies. That's when she noticed it was people she knew her friends, her best friends, her family, the guy who confess to her. Tears stream down her face. She felt whoever behind her moved to her side.

Ally was shaking but she looked up to their face but she couldn't. Whoever it was had a black jacket on with the hood hiding their face. Their hand came up and brush her hair out of her face. Then moved to wiped her tears away.

"Shhhhh. Don't be afraid, Ally." They said and lend in closer. "I won't hurt...I could never hurt you...."

Ally wanted to move but she couldn't her body was frozen. She wanted to scream but now her voice seem to stuck in her throat.

"Well..." They said "I won't kill you.."
They covered her mouth with a rag. She tried kicking but they were too strong she felt her body go limp and everything went black.


Ally shot up in her bed as her alarm went off. She looked it was 8:30am. She took a deep breath wonder what the hell she just dreamed about. It wasn't the first time she had a Dream like this. Lately this hooded figure has been in many of her dreams. She knew it had to be a guy because the voice but she could never see his face.

Ally grabbed her dream journal and wrote down what happen. She has been writing every dream that he has been in down. It was always the same way. She will be alone walking and she will trip and land in blood. She will see bodies and try to get away and run into him. He always does the same things and says the exact same things. Then she realizes that the bodies are the people she cares about.

Ally was starting to think she was going crazy. If she told anyone will they think the same thing. She got up and went to her bathroom. She washed her face and brushed her teeth. When she was done she went back to her room and realized her window was open. She never keeps her window open at night. Well not all night long she usually gets up and shuts it and she was sure she did that. She shut it and she shook the thought off.

Ally went downstairs to the kitchen where her two best friends Miya and Jessica were. Jessica was cooking breakfast and Miya was making coffee. They looked at her but Ally couldn't get the imagine of them lying dead on the ground out of her. Last night was the first time they had been in her dream. Usually it was just her friends she saw occasionally. Now her best friends are getting roped into her weird dreams.

"Ally?" Miya said making her jumped.

"Woah you okay?" Jessica said turning the stove off.

"Yeah...just had a weird dream." Ally said going to the fridge to get something to drink.

It was silent during breakfast Ally couldn't stop thinking about the dream. Who was the guy in the hood? Was he the reason behind why everyone she knows is dead in the dream? Did he kill them? What did he want? Why did he always say he wouldn't hurt her?

"Ally, For real are you okay?" Miya said laying her hand on Ally's arm.

"Yes just spooked from a weird dream that's all." She said smiling trying to ease her best friend's concern.

The whole morning the dream bothered her like they always do. She didn't know what they meant. Her dreams were they trying to tell her what's to come? She didn't understand anything about them.
A/N: If there is any mistakes I'm sorry. Please look over them. I'll try to update this regularly I know someone who probably won't let me live it down if I don't.

Bitter Sweet Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ