The Prey

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Daniel sat at diner Ally worked at. He sat here when he wanted see her and thankfully he had a ring so he could walk in the sun. Nothing was gonna stop him from seeing her not even the damn sun. Daniel learned that Justin was Ally's co-worker. So sitting here benefit in different ways seeing her and learning about the guy who wanted her. For days he stalked Justin like a puma stalking it's prey.

"Can I get you anything?" A waitress said

"No." He said the waitress nodded and walked away.

Daniel looked over to Ally. She was taking some older couples order. She was smiling talking to them like she knew them. Daniel loved her smile and he could her laughing. He wanted to be the reason why she smile and laugh.

After Ally's shift Daniel followed her. Justin was walking with her. Which made Daniel angry enough to rip his throat with his teeth right then and there. Daniel walked away he need to let his anger out. His mind was racing it wouldn't shut up. He knew he needed to get rid of Justin somehow. He needed to be smart about it though.

Daniel found some human girl she looked about twenty-one. She walked right in front of him.

"Excuse me." Daniel said the girl stopped and looked at him. "Can you help me?"

"Sure how?" She said Daniel looked around he grabbed her the moved to the backstreet behind some building.

"Your not gonna scream and your not gonna fight alright." Daniel said looking into the girls eyes. She nodded and he smiled his fangs clearly visible. He bit into her skin and drained her dry. That wasn't enough he was still angry. Daniel went to Justin's house knowing where it was from stalking him. Justin was sitting with his family outside. How was he gonna get this guy out of the picture?

When night finally fell Daniel found his way into Justin's room. He stood there watching him sleep. He thought he could kill him now toss the body out the window and then hide it somewhere. Daniel went to Ally's house climbing into her window. She wasn't there. Daniel was confused then when bedroom down open and he quickly went out the window.

"You think staying up is just take care of these dreams? Ally you need to sleep." Miya said

"These dreams just won't go away." Ally said "They are getting more and more weird and creepy."

"Maybe you have to meet this stranger in person?" Jessica said

"Yeah meet the person in my nightmares who is a homicidal vampire?" Ally said "Are we forgetting y'all and everyone I care about are dead in these dreams, nightmares whatever."

"Your window is open..." Miya said

"What no it's not..." Ally said looking at the window wide open.

"I think whoever this stranger is real and I think he comes in here and watches you." Jessica said

"Then where is he?" Ally said

"We need to get like something to stop this from happening." Miya said shutting the window.

Daniel could hear from where he was outside. She was gonna stop him from getting in. Daniel clenched his jaw. He went back to his home and he sat there thinking about everything he could do to make sure nobody stops him from seeing Ally. The sick thoughts that ran through his mind and he smiled. Then there was a knock on the front door causing him to look at in its direction. He got up walking to the door when he opened it to four girls probably twenty or older.

"Hi sorry to bother you at this hour but our car broke down and we wanna to know if we could use your phone?" The girl with brown hair said.

"Sure." Daniel said they followed him inside. He sat back down on the couch. They were looking around at the living room. The house seemed very old but it was very pretty and well kept.

"Where's the phone?" The girl with purplish hair said. Daniel looked at her and pointed to it.

"Thank you." The brown haired girl said walking to it. She picked it up and tried calling someone. "I don't think it works."

"Oh it doesn't." Daniel said

"Then why?" The brown haired girl said "We should go."

The four girls tried to get back to the door but Daniel appeared in front of them. They screamed trying to get away from him. He grabbed the one with purple hair by her throat.

"Y'all three look at me." He said they did. "Y'all will not move got it."

They nodded he smiled at the girl with the purple hair. She was crying and trying to fight him off but human strength wasn't a match against a vampire.

"Hush it will be all over soon." He said the other girls cried and closed their eyes as he bit into their friend's neck.

When all four were drained off blood. Daniel's butler Gavin walked in to see four bodies on the floor and Daniel covered in blood.

"Again?" Gavin said walking up to the bodies.

"I was angry." Daniel said

"You must be angry all the time then." Gavin said "Is this about that human girl again? Sir this obsession isn't good."

Daniel grabbed Gavin by throat and pinned him to the wall. His fangs out and the veins underneath his eyes moved.

"Obsession?" Daniel said "I'm not obsessed. I told you to never speak of her."

"I'm sorry, sir." Gavin said Daniel let go he stepped over one of the bodies. Daniel breathed now looking normal...besides the blood that covered him.

"You know what to do clean up." Daniel said

"Yes Sir." Gavin said grabbing one of the girls by the arm and dragging her into the next room.

Daniel walked out of the room. He went to his room and changed. He still needed away to get rid of Justin. He could kill him get him out the way permanently. He could just lock him up never let him out. He could turn him and then lock him up. All he knew was this guy needed to be gone. Daniel smiled wickedly now knowing what he was going to do.
A/N: Again I'm sorry for the wait. I'll try to write more. I promise when ever my mind wants to come up with new this for this. I proof read this a bit more but if there still some mistakes. Please look over them. Thank you and I hope you like this! ☺️

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