STANDING IN FRONT OF HER MIRROR, Blue pulls her hair back as she holds it like a ponytail, her turning her head side to side before letting it go as she doesn't like the thought of having her hair up with this outfit. She tries to style it half up half down but for some reason it didn't look appealing to her, her sighing as she didn't know what the fuck to do with her hair.
But the ding from her phone distracted her from her thoughts as she walked over to her nightstand to unlock the device. She scans over the screen while reading the text notifications she got from the girls. Tonight was another night to get fucked up as some college student was hosting a party not to far from Maddy's house. She didn't know how Maddy knew the person but then again she really couldn't give two shits as she just appreciated the invite.
It was a little awkward being around Maddy after the whole situation with Nate but Blue just tries to ignore it as she acts like that never happened whenever she comes across the boy when he comes to meet up with Maddy at her locker. There was a few moments where she would catch Nate giving her his full attention while Maddy was ranting to him, her having to stop herself from slipping under his stare.
Even though she made an agreement with herself and Nate that whatever happened that night was to be put behind them and never to speak on it, her still feeling herself wanting to run back into his arms as she missed the feeling of being safe along with the softness of his lips on hers. Just the thought of him made her slap the side of her head to get her out of that mindset.
Maddy: hurry up bitch, we're on our way.
Cassie: we're leaving to come get you.
Locking her phone, Blue looks back at the mirror as she tries to figure out what the fuck she gonna do with her hair, her grabbing the hair pick before adding a little bit volume to make her curls a little bit fuller. She places it down while looking back up, the slight volume with the curls along with her outfit gave her boost in her confidence.
Smirking at herself, Blue grabs her things before heading downstairs where she was greeted with her mom and a couple of her girlfriends giggling in the dining room. It was that time in the month where Blue's mom and her friends meet up to catch up before starting their girl's night at the club. Leaning against the doorframe, Blue watches her mom throw her head back with laughter as one of her friends was sharing a story about her bad one night stand she had a few weeks ago.
She smiles at the sight of her mom being happy as she hadn't seen her let loose and be herself in a while. Feeling her stare, her mother looks forward to see her baby girl standing there in her natural beauty, a bright smile appearing on her lips.
"Blue you look so pretty."
"Thanks mom."
"Well if it isn't our favorite Blue. Come sit down with us for a bit." Her mother's friend, Destiny said as she pat the chair next to her.
Walking over, she takes a seat as the older females look at the little girl that finally grew up to look just like her mother.
"How's life been Blue?"
"Got a boyfriend?"
"Or a new boy toy?" Amy teased, Blue's mom, Ruby, hitting her arm.
"My life has been good and no I don't have a boyfriend. But I do have a boy in mind but nothing too serious."
"Ooo what's his name. Is he cute? Is he a freak like your old mom."
"What?! It's not like she hasn't heard about the crazy stories when we were in college."

Teen Fiction'let me play you like a doll baby' ©notnotae Inspiration from TV show 'Euphoria'