LAYING DOWN ON HER BACK, Blue stared at the ceiling zoned out as the girls around her were prepping themselves for another party. Blue didn't understand why they were getting all dolled up when the party was a pool one, it making no sense when it's gonna be washed away once they get in the water. But they claimed that they weren't gonna get in, them planning on chilling on the lounge chairs and tan the entire time.
The host for the party was one of Nate's football mates on the team as his parents were out of town and allowed him to throw a small get together with a few friends but we all knew that was never true as no kid ever had a get together whenever their parents allow them to have a party, it becoming the whole school coming over and destroying the whole place. Blue wasn't gonna go at first since she knew that if she went with the girls, she would have to deal with Maddy and Nate and that was the last thing she wanted.
Her and Maddy weren't really on good terms even though they hid it very well from everybody to make it seem like nothing ever happened but whenever her and Maddy was left alone, Blue took that as her sign to leave the awkward environment, Maddy not disagreeing with her as she didn't want to be stuck in the awkward tension herself.
Eventually the other two girls are gonna notice the weird behavior between them as it will lead to questions both of them don't want to answer but if Maddy keeps putting herself in situations she can't easily get away from, Blue wouldn't hesitate to put the girl on blast as she couldn't let her just go through the torture she went through just because a stupid four letter word.
"Still don't understand why yall are spending so much getting dolled up when that shit ain't even gonna last the whole day."
"Just because it's a pool party doesn't mean that people actually get in the pool Blue."
"Isn't that the whole fucking point of the party? To get in the pool."
"Not really. It's just a suggestion but it's not the main idea." Kat explained, Blue looking at her like she had grown two heads.
"That's the most stupidest shit i have ever heard. If nobody ain't gonna get in the pool then don't have a fucking pool party."
"Blue it's okay if you don't understand the logic behind parties." One of Maddy's friends said, patting Blue on the back only for her to smack her hand away with disgust.
"I'm gonna have a smoke." Blue gets up from the bed and heads out the room, her needing a breather as she was quickly getting aggravated at the girls.
Walking out the front door, Blue takes a seat on the front porch step before taking out the blunt she had hiding behind her ear. She lights up it while taking a hit, her blowing out the smoke through her nose as she felt a bit better than how was she feeling in that room.
Blue knew tagging along with the girls was put her in a bad mood especially with her sticky situation with Maddy but she tried to reason herself cause of the other girls but now it's biting her in the ass for even trying at this point.
Grabbing her phone, she decides to call the only person that would keep her sane if she continued to go to this pool party with the girls, her placing the phone against her ear as she wanted for him to pick up.
"If it isn't my favorite druggie/best friend."
"Please tell me you're going to the pool party that one of the football players are hosting today."
"I wasn't planning on to because I got some shit to deliver. Why? I thought you were going with Maddy and them."
"I am but now im regretting on even tagging along with them."
"What happened now?" Fez asked, him sitting down at his couch as he could feel the annoyance in Blue's voice.
"They just getting on my nerves with their constant bullshit and it doesn't make it better the tension between Maddy and I isn't going away."

Teen Fiction'let me play you like a doll baby' ©notnotae Inspiration from TV show 'Euphoria'