broken hearted

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broken hearted

Heather ran as fast as she could, tears covering her eyes. She could feel her heart breaking into pieces every second it passes. All she could remember was him in bed with someone else.

How could he do this? she thought to herself. She overanalyze every thing from here on out. She had ask herself if it was her fault and that maybe all that she has to offer wasn't enough.

Heather finally stopped running. She knocked on the wooden door multiple times, hoping it would open. Her sobs were getting harder and harder to suppress. Finally, the door cracked open.


She slung her arms around her best friend, whom she tells everything to.

"He cheated on me, why would he do that?"

He didn't say anything. He knew that it wasn't a question that was meant to be answered. He softly placed his hand behind her head, moving it to and fro.

Ethan rests his chin on top of her head, hugging her tightly. It pains him to see her like this. In pain.

"It hurts Ethan, it hurts so much." Heather cries out in pain.

"Oh, I know." Ethan said softly, still caressing her head. "Don't worry about that now okay? I'm here for you."

He eventually led her to the living room where she managed to calm herself down just a tad bit.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I'm here for you."

"I just—, I just though—" Heather struggled to find the right words to say.

"Hey, it's okay." Ethan moves closer to her. "A guy like him will never know how beautiful, kind, and wonderful you are."

"Yeah, but—"

"No buts Heather. Stop bringing yourself down because of him. He's not worth it. Stop giving him the power to hold your fragile heart. If he was able to cheat on you without any ounce of guilt in him then he's not worth someone to cry about."

"I thought I was enough.."

"You're more than enough." Ethan assured her. "I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. All the little things you do, and how they make me fee—"

Ethan stops himself from confessing his feelings, knowing damn well that it's not the right time to tell Heather how he feels.

"The point is, don't ever think you're not enough."

"Then why did he do this to me?"

"Because, he's a fucking asshole who doesn't know how to treasure something greater than he'll ever be."

Heather looked at Ethan.

"I meant what I said." Ethan muttered. "I look at you, and all I see is this amazing woman who can accomplish anything she sets her mind to."

"But, I still love him.."

"You can still love the people who hurt you." Ethan began. "But it doesn't change the fact that you need to let those people go. You need to let him go."

"I gave him more than I gave myself. I was so loyal to him that I betrayed myself."

"I know.."

"I just don't know what to do.."

"You have to let it all go. The way he kissed you, the way he smelled, the way he touched your waist and pulled you in. You have to let it go and you have to let him go. Because that's who he was, not who he is."

Before Heather could say something, her phone rang aloud. She reads the screen.


"If you answer, just remember, let him go."

Heather stood up from her seat, answering her phone.

"Heather, it is not what it looked like, please let me explain."

"What is there to explain?!" Heather raised her voice. "You let me believe for a while that you loved me and that I was the only one. But all this time you were lying to me. You lied straight to my face knowing damn well this shit would hurt me."


"I was in love with you Ryan. I gave you everything and this is how you treat me?!"

"It's not what it looked like."

"I really did love you. A lot actually. But you were a chain smoker, and I was just another pack of cigarettes."

"Heather you know I love you."

"You love me?" Heather asked in disbelief. "You obviously don't have any fucking clue what love is if you were able to do what you just did to me cause you know what?!"

Heather stopped.

"It hurts Ryan. It fucking hurts. I could feel it in my chest and at the pit of my stomach." Heather cried harder. "The worse part is that, even underneath all of this, I still believe that maybe somewhere in there, you didn't want to do it and that you knew that it was a mistake."

Heather paused.

"But I knew, if that were true, this wouldn't have happened." Heather spat. "Goodbye, Ryan."

Heather hung up the phone. She slowly made her way back to Ethan, who is waiting for her.

"I let him go, I let him go." Heather broke down, Ethan being there to catch her.

Sometimes, no matter how bad we want it, no matter how much we pray for it, some stories just don't have a happy ending.

That's reality.

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