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"I know you're scared of airplanes and I wish I could be there for you." Miles smiled, wiping tears off of Nessa's face.

Nessa nodded, enjoying each others' presence one last time before she has to leave. She wishes it didn't have to be this way, but unfortunately,  it has to be.

"On the bright side, you'll be doing what you love and the pay is better." Miles attempted to make Nessa feel better of the situation, or rather the choice Nessa is about to make that Miles is very unaware of.

Nessa nodded once again, unable to say something.

"I know you're worried about us, but we can do this. We have done it before."

Indeed they have. They have done long distance before. They were able to overcome all the obstacles and it made them stronger and better than ever. But, what's different now?

Nessa almost broke down to tears but she is trying to hold herself at bay. She could feel her chest about to explode inside her body, being able to hold this much tears.

"I love you so much baby." Miles started. "No matter where we are in the world, or how far apart we are, I just know that we'll always love each other."

Stop, please stop. Nessa thinks to herself.

"And if you miss me too much, just look up at the moon, because I'll be looking at it with you. Wherever you are."

Miles pulls Nessa in for a tight, warm, full of love embrace. Nessa whimpers in silence, barely holding it in. She could feel and hear Miles' heart beating erratically. Looks like she's not the only one trying to hold something in. Trying to stay strong.

Nessa knows that if she stays inside his arms longer than this, she wouldn't be able to do something she needs to.

"Just make sure you give me a call when you land so I know you're okay." Miles told Nessa, retreating away from her inches by inches.

Nessa nodded, tears starting to form up, knowing damn well that he is waiting for a call that he will never get.

"I love you." Miles mouthed the words.

Miles smiled one last time before fading away from Nessa.

Nessa stands frozen in place, watching the love of her life fade before her eyes.

"I'm sorry Miles, I'm so sorry." Nessa cries. "I wish I could spare you getting hurt. I'm so sorry."

Nessa quickly spins herself away from him, speed walking to her designated gate. Her sobs almost loud enough for everyone to hear. Nessa covers her mouth, heartbroken at the situation.

From there, Nessa leaves the airport, leaving the state where she created the most precious memories with the people she love.

As Nessa watches the city from above, she broke down even more. Nessa cries harder, remembering the letter that she had written Miles.


I don't know think there is any easier way to say this or to even begin with. I wish it hadn't been this way, but it has to be this way.

Don't wait for me. Don't hold on to me anymore. I want you to move on and be with someone that can truly make you happy. I don't want to give you any more false hope.

With that, I won't be coming back. You won't hear from me anymore. So please, do yourself a favor and don'f wait for something that will never come back.

I won't be coming back.

Goodbye, Miles.



Miles waited, even after reading Nessa's letter. He waited, waited, and waited.

A day turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months turned into years.

Miles kept waiting for that call that they had talked about before Nessa had left.

Miles waited for years for the call. A call that never came.

5 decades later, Miles is still waiting.

Miles waited until his last dying breath.

His last words were as follows;

I don't regret anything. I love you Nessa. Always have, and always will. I will still wait for you even after this lifetime.


through it all, he loved her with all his might. sometimes, it's worth the wait, even if takes a lifetime.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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