Things we can all learn from kids

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These are few things I learnt from my younger brother.
1.To be curious. (A quality that we all lose overtime)
We all were so curious as kids. eventually that nature of questioning ourselves, parents, teachers fades away. Sometimes it is because people think you are stupid because they know it and it is termed to be something that comes under common sense. To avoid degrading ourselves in front of people, we tend to show that we know everything, when we don't. It is funny, because questions are meant to be asked so that we increase our knowledge. But, in the attempt of showing people that we are better, in today's competitive world, we end up being worse and are left with so little knowledge.
Yeah, you might say you will question google and try to learn and we all know how easily we get distracted and lose the interest in our own question, when it comes to internet.

2. To be yourself
Being ourselves. That looks so simple isn't it? Most of us tend to worry about what people will think about us and try to follow the trend, in order to be likable. In order to force those temporary trends on ourselves, even though we do not enjoy them as much as the outdated retro music we dance to, the comfortable jeans and loose t-shirt, the list is short. But they feed our souls more than the things that appear more frequently on our various social media feeds.

3. Never stop fighting for what you want.
We all have stories where we were stubborn as kids and it ended with us crying our lungs out till the parents or guardians were so fed up, that they sooner or later provided us with what we needed. Later, at some point of our child-life, we would have done something with extreme passion because we were stubborn to reach that goal in the end. Then, life happens, where those short term goals of our younger period of life, get bigger and bigger that we get fed up very soon and slowly give up.Spending energy on being stubborn helps, provided - that energy should be channeled towards a productive trail.

4. Be kind
We all remember how excited we used to get when we would see some cute puppy or kitten. Our heart swells even now. But really, seeing so many brutal things as we grow up, and encountering unfair incidents in the not do perfect world, our hearts become resistant to the small adorable things around us. We all need to start appreciating small things around ourselves.

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