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Every person has fears but sometimes those fears are the cause of broken pieces that cannot be fix easily because the pain is so much and it leaves a big scars to our hearts and minds .

Fears is one of the biggest enemy we need to face in our life because if we don't face it right away it might completely destroy you to million pieces .

The million pieces that been shattered will never be easily put back together cause it leaves a big scar to our mind and hearts .

One person might be the cause of those million pieces that been shattered even if we want to get back on the right direction something dark like a trap is stopping us and telling us that we can never be the person we want to be .

That nothing is free in this world we live it always be cruel to us and never let us live the way we want to be .

But sometimes the fears we have can be useful it can give us strength or it might be the reason of many different thoughts in our minds that make us feel no one deserves us or to make us happy .

I know how hard to face our fears sometimes we choose to shutdown the people who want to make us happy to protect them from the darkness surrounding us .

Darkness ,trap ,sadness,fears will never be easy to fight if we let this four words to control our personality to make the decisions we might regret if we realize it .

It might be too late to fix if we realize everything we did wrong in our life ahm for example you need to choose if you will stay fight the fears or will stop fighting and let it to control everything about you .

One day or months maybe years will never be enough to fix the shattered pieces of us we might have a thought of doing the sin that will never be undone if you did it .

That unforgivable sin can also affect the people who trust you and love you in the same situation many thoughts and emotions that we can't explain .

I myself knows how hard to hold all different thoughts in my mind finding answers to those thoughts will never be easy but we must endure the pain because one day we might find the answers to those thoughts .

Never give up the fight that easily trust yourself and God that you can find the answer to the unsolved thoughts in your mind be strong for the precious person in your life and for yourself .

May 12,2020

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