Night Mares

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Every night sometimes we feel suffocated and being hunt by our greatest fears in life like showing us the scary scenes that might happen in this life .

I been experiencing this for a long time but trying to fight all it to prove myself that i can be me even if just once i wish to be accepted and acknowledge by the people i cherish the most .

Yes i admit it that i can be selfish emotionless sometimes if i don't want to talk in anyone to avoid breaking down in from of that someone .

Every night i feel like being cage in my own self like seeing every worse thing that i can do in this world and life of mine from the past months i been having second thoughts and hard time to make a decision on whether to cut the last string of hope i been holding on until this day .

I know some people might think being selfish is wrong that they will think about you us a liar that everything you are trying to tell them is not true that you only diagnose yourself having anxiety or depression .

But the truth is everytime you hurt someone you been given a big scar inside that cannot be healed or mend that easily in ths world we been leaving and standing right now will give us so many trials to test us if we really have worth or things we can achieve by our talents that we been trying to show to the precious people in our life .

But all our efforts and talents sometimes are not being acknowledge by the people we thought be proud of our hard work in school or in other things that we can do or dream to do in this world full of people that sometimes easily judging  us just because we can't do what they can do in this world .

Also sometimes we try to tell our opinion but no one wants to listen to us and just see our bad side i been use to the pain being given to me everytime i'm on my emotionless self or out of this world just trust ourselves and pray to the God almighty to help us overcome our fears and problems we encounter .

Don't rush to cut the last string of hope you been holding on up to this day be strong and remember that there are someone out there waiting and ready to accept your flaws and who you are us a person .

September 24,2020

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