chappy 1

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Everything was dark. You could feel the silk on your body and the cool breeze hitting your exposed core. He'd peeled everything from you slowly, sensually, until you were bare and raw. Anticipation sent electric sparks through you from top to bottom, as his footsteps circled around you on the bed.

"Are you ready for me?" he asked in a husky voice.

You wanted to respond, but you couldn't. He took your silence as a yes, knowing you were anxiously awaiting his next move.

"I'm gonna take my time with you," he whispered, running his finger lightly down your center. "I'll devour your slowly, so I can savor every..delicious...part. You make me crazy, you know that?"

He fiddled with your blindfold a little, making sure you couldn't see a thing. That made the game so much more exciting. Suddenly, the bed dipped, and you knew he was hovering over you. his breath fanned your face gently for a few seconds, then he crawled lower, running his tongue over you.

You started rolling around on the sheets, overwhelmed by the sensation.

He gripped you harshly, keeping you in place. "Don't fucking move," he growled.

Just then, your billfold was ripped off and you were staring into the face of Niall Horan.

"I'm only gonna ask you one more time," he said, "Are you ready for me?"

Once again you were silent. You couldn't speak.

"Okay little egg," Niall said, kissing you all over, "it's time. UP THA BUM FOR EGGY FUN!"

Being an eggs hard, but Niall did a great job of making you feel alive. He made sure not to rip any chunks out of you when he peeled your shell off. He was really nice, and he wasn't afraid to beat the curly headed dude when he tried to touch you. Curly boy always said something about you being a good topping for the meat, but Niall wasn't having it. You were HIS. You were HIS little EggMaster6000, and meat boy couldn't have ANY of it. If you weren't an egg, and had a mouth to speak, you would've thanked Niall for being a good host. Every day, you found yourself wishing that you could say words. It was a hard life, exiting a chicken with a loud ass 'pop', plopping down into a fucking nest, then being shoved in a billion boxes all over the world. The unlucky ones got scrambled. But you? You someone how managed to form a conscious through process, despite not having any brain cells, then found a home with Niall. He was....well...kind of an Irish DILF.

"hERE WE GOH!!!!!!!!!" Niall screamed. Then, the room was flooded with light.

A shadow was in the doorway, backlit by the bright glow from the hallway. "WOH ARE YOU DOIN MATE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" the shadow screamed.

"OI!!!!!! IS TIME TO BUTT OUT INNIT? IS ME PRIVATE TIME WIFF ME EGGS!!!!!" Niall screamed back. Yeah. You fuckin get it, blondie.

"WE GOTTA GO TO REHEARSAL!!!! IS TIME TO PRACTICE WIFF THE BAND!!!! the shadow screamed again. He stepped forward, revealing himself to be Liam.


"Niall," Liam said, voice dropping low. "Don't you remember?"

"Remember what?" Niall asked.

"She's here. Our...special...guest. We have to get her ready for life on the road with us." Liam said.

Niall stopped. He looked at you regretfully, then crawled off the bed. "I'm sorreh little eggie. But I gotta go meet her. It would only be fair. Aferall, we did kidnap her. Well, Harry did at least. Like sumfin straight outta a Law and Order SVU episode."

You were so upset, you suddenly grew a mouth. "NECTARINE, FUCK YOU MEAN YOU GOT ANOTHER BIDDIE?!?!?!?!?"

Niall was shocked, and he screamed so loud, the vibration of the frequency put a crack in your soft eggy center.

"I'm sorreh," Liam said. "But...this new girl. she's been kidnapped by one direction."



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