9. truth

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When I returned to the group, I could feel Harry's eyes on me. I told everyone I was just on the phone to my sister and they asked nothing else of it, going back to their conversations.

We all retired to the outdoor sofas as it was still relatively warm. I was nursing my drink like it was my child. I was at that level of drunk where I went quiet, just absorbing the atmosphere. I thought of what Jasmine had said about Harry and found myself observing him.

We had quiet conversations as he sat next to me, everyone else seemed very animated but he was on my level. We made comments on the others which would often remind each other of stories about other people.

There was a moment where I was so mesmerised by him that I didn't notice everyone going to sleep. Jonny had clearly gone to one of the spare rooms to pass out otherwise he would have told me he was leaving.

I watched the moonlight hit his face, why did he have to have such a perfect face. Everyone had gone inside now but he asked me to just stay a bit longer. How was I supposed to turn him down?

"Tell me about the last relationship you had." He asked without looking at me. To say I was surprised at his question would be an understatement. What kind of question was that? But again, how was I supposed to say no?

"It was uneventful to say the least." I replied, hoping he would see it as a waste of time and move the conversation on but he just waited for me to continue.  "Well, it was about a year ago. He liked to travel and I went with him a lot but then I told him I wanted stay in London and open up a shop and he wanted to travel the world." Harry finally looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed and I could tell he had a million questions.

"So what? He just left you and you said ok and then you just went your separate ways?" He didn't seem convinced and of course, that wasn't the truth.

"Well when I told him I didn't want to go he obviously wasn't happy about it. He just didn't really understand my reasons and I can't blame him for that." For the life of me I couldn't see why we were talking about this.

"You're not being specific." He said sourly.

"There's not really anything to be specific about. The break up wasn't messy on my part." I probably should've left out the on my part bit.

"And on his part?" He pushed. Now it was my turn to look away, I didn't exactly come across as a nice person in this story and I didn't want Harry to judge me off that.

"Well, I may or may not have not turned up at the airport. It was a very last minute thing but I had to make a decision of him or my family when there was an emergency. My sister had just found out she was pregnant, the dad was M.I.A. You have to understand that family is everything to me. We had these plans to travel the world together but sometimes life gets in the way. My family needed me and I couldn't justify leaving so he went without me." I waited but he didn't say anything but I could feel his eyes staring into me.

Out of no where, he snorted with laughter.

"Didn't see you as a heartbreaker. Guess I'll have to be careful." His comment made my heart soar and drew my eyes to him where I found a smirk enlaced on his lips.

I liked that he didn't ask about my family issues. The relationship stuff was already a lot for me and I could tell he knew that. I think if he had asked me I would have told him but maybe I would regret it later. I'm sure I would tell him at some point.

"What about your last relationship?" I countered, wondering if I would know the person from the celebrity world. He squinted his eyes and rocked his head side to side as if he was weighing up the options.

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