Chapter 17

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Emmitt sat in his office; his elbows were propped on the arms of his leather desk chair with his chin resting on his steepled fingers. He must have been lost in his own thoughts for a while because he could hear the employees biding each other goodbye for the day. A few minutes later his thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock. The door creaked open as Jonathan walked in. "Are you going to sit there all night?"

Emmitt moved his eyes to the door but otherwise remained in his thoughtful pose. "No, I do believe that I am going to ask Miss. Matthews to join me for dinner." Jonathan wisely said nothing, he simply gave a curt nod and left.

He had noticed a change in Ellie after Weston left a month and a half ago. The first couple of weeks she seemed to be almost, oh, what is the word he was searching for? Morose, that's it. She seemed morose and wounded. Although she did try her best to hide it from him and everyone else. The last couple of weeks though, she had become withdrawn. It seemed that every day she became a little more distant than the day before.

She still smiled but it never reached her eyes and she never laughed. He had even caught her crying several days ago. Of course, she denied it and he was too much of a gentleman to pry. They had become quite close over the past months so whatever was vexing her had to be exceedingly personal. Sighing, Emmitt stood up, straightened his jacket and tie before plucking his hat from the wall hook and left to find Ellie.


Dr. Daniel Taylor sighed deeply; he hated this particular part of his job. "You said your," he paused and cleared his throat, "breasts are tender, and your cycle is about four weeks overdue." The woman sitting on the table nodded. "You understand that I will need to examine you?" The woman nodded again. "I'll step out for a minute so you can remove your underclothes."

"My guess would be that you are about six to eight weeks along. Does that sound about right to you?"

Ellie nodded. Unconsciously her hand went to her flat stomach. A baby, Blake's baby. This should be one of the happiest days of her life, but it wasn't. What was she going to do? She would have to quit her job as a teacher and move back home with her parents. Oh, her parents. They were going to be so disappointed in her. How could she face them? She brought her hands up to her face as the tears began to fall. Dr. Taylor jumped up and walked around his desk to sit beside her. Gently he reached over and held her as her shoulders shook with silent sobs.

Her parents would know that Blake is the father, everyone would know that Blake was the father. It was all she could do to hold in and audible sob as the thought about the Weston's. Would this be the end of their families being friends? So many questions swirled around in her head, she just couldn't think.

"Are you alright?" Dr. Taylor asked as Ellie sat up and began wiping her face. He walked over to the water basin, dipped a cloth in the cool water then give it to Ellie.

"I will be. Daniel, please don't say anything to anyone."

"Oh, no. Nothing a patient tells me goes anywhere. That's one of my rules."

"Thank you." Ellie sniffed as she continued to wipe her face.

"Have you had any sickness in the mornings or any adverse reaction to food?"

"No, I haven't."

"Good. I want you to try and get as much rest as you can and eat regularly, no skipping meals."

"I will. Thank you again. Would it be possible to go out the back door?"

"Of course, I'll show you out. Ellie," he stopped and turned to her as they were walking out of his office, "I'm here if you need anything."

Loving Ellie - #4 In Red Valley SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now