the second crown

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A faithful companion, Monty, your service to me has been valuable, in this wet afternoon on this unknown path, half naked and with the blessed eyes, tired from so much walking.

 He knew that what awaited us would not be a good thing, but the uneasiness of the moment was a constant doubt, he does not dare to approach, but he called him with a soft voice according to our precarious condition of captives on this trip. The commander emerging from an apparent deep thought, saw behind him that companion with high stature, beautiful but thick feathers that blurred with his hair, with a tired look in his eyes and with a little blood in his beak, which by For a long time he was a tired battlefield companion with his hands tightly tied with rope. The commander turned again to face the front with a false pride in his posture, which was wet from the constant rain of his injured body.

<< that we are >> said << walk, that we are only merchandise >>.

He had heard many times about this possibility and at times so diverse, that he still did not believe that it actually happened, the worst case, despite everything done Falla, helped him in any way, and gave him the piece of fabric that barely protects over his body, the cold of the commander was noticeable but he did not want to say it, only a month before the beginning of this conflict his pride was high, but things began to change as the conflict passed, he had discovered that he might lose the battle. It was barely half the year, but this formidable commander had already seen a lot in just that month. However, his resistance was impressive before that moment we took, on this muddy road dragged to a place without knowing what would happen, but he did not say a word, only what I just said is the only thing, that he said in 7 days of crossing.

<< Commander, it is time to give up our lives >> Monty said.

 << it has been raining for days, it is not a good sign >>. 

<< but I swear monty and you that this is not the end >> said the commander with a disturbed voice tired by the long walk from the battlefield. And I add seriously: 

<< maybe it will fail >>. 

<< but I won't do it again, I swear it >>, said the commander << if we survive >>, said monty.

 << they are unknown lands, lands of the enemy >>. Because they were in the fog with rain, they only knew that they were in the land of the enemy, and only they with an apparent field of old wheat, exposed to the icy winds, monty put in his hands tied with great difficulties, the knot of the thin rope that held the rest of what was left of a cloth, brown, a piece barely large enough to cover its intimate parts, that due to its considerable size came to see between the edges of the fabric its intimate anatomy, after I chase the knot and managed to let go and grab the piece of cloth.

 << Commander, use it to cover yourself from the rain >>, said Monty, I only heard the paws in the mud and the loud noise of the rain, only the commander's silence that lasts a few minutes, << no, pass it to one of the other boys, I'm fine >>, said the commander, the humid air.

 He raises his face as if appreciating the rain, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, letting the air enter his lungs to regain the little serenity he had.<< I don't understand your irrational reaction >>, said the commander, sighing deeply << What the hell are you talking about? >> Monty said, but he only took silence from the commander. Surely it was only something of the moment, the commander being an attractive man, resigned and sure of himself and must feel comfortable with himself, but in the end he is an arrogant, cold being. Kind but imposing at first glance, he may be cold and arrogant, but because of his merits he has been so young to be a commander.

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