part 2 : for sale

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It's time for the demonstration, this is something particular a strange moment for everyone and apparently Morty likes to show, how capable he is, to solve problems if you can say so, but in this case I saw something in his eyes, I think He had a plan, which he could not say they consider themselves, but who was the part of that plan, at a distance a young tigress looked at herself, her clean white fur stood out, and her tender smile, more than seeing Morty only saw horror in his eyes, contradictory emotions in such a short time. Among this horrible spectacle, the auction of morty began a young man, moose so young that not even the horns had grown, began to demonstrate the benefits of Morty as a slave with a strong voice but with a tone of voice like a screech:

-When will you see an exponent on tap?A trumpet boomedA rather more ordinary voice said:-Why would we need a beast like that?" the elk replied in a very loud voice.-Excuse me, if you don't know how to see a true specimen, just look at the perfect size to carry weight, perfect to be a slave, perfect to cultivate, drag and everything you want.-Sorry."In any case, we will start with 100 pieces of gold.""Sorry, but it's not a beast."—I mean in all of us in the audience, nobody wants that thing.Normally the purchase increased before copies or slaves like that but it was not in this case. And the moose would have said, "This copy is sold."—No one wants that thing—Lords, this is a unique opportunity.The tigress gets closer and closer, the moose nodded and turned his head, he was clearly confused."Miss, you want to buy ... Oh." It is only stored in.... I better do it, right?-Yes! Said the tigress, staring at Morty.For a moment nothing was heard but the roar of the wind and the noiseof the tigress searching for the coins in her purse, the operation she carried out so quickly."500 pieces of gold will suffice," he said after a moment.—Really, so much for the con... "It wasn't for everyone else, all the taps.""Hmm?" Said the moose, still looking at the enormous amount of gold with superior air. Oh, what could this tigress be. You shouldn't have to get into this situation.The truth was ... well, the truth was that money always wins, I was worried it showed in the distance. Very worried and nervous. She wasn't absolutely sure it would work.A noise at the bottom of the catwalk. <<sold>>. It was all we were slaves to this tigress.The parchment was signed and we were tied and tied tightly and the tigress took it.It wasn't even written on quality paper. It was on cardboard so rough it looked like leather.A word from that paper caught his attention.He read it and his gaze was drawn and then he crossed it out and wrote something on it.Then she kept going to the bottom of the page, going back several times, until she handed over the gold, and we walked out of that horrible market.Outside the town that tigress did what we never thought she would have done, she released us then she said:"Oh, now they are free,We were all stunned, our torture was finally over but Morty said:"Could you come here, miss?With a shocked face everyone, including myself, was confused."We're going to have to tell the lady, we can't go," he said in a low tone. He has"But I'm releasing them," said the tigress."But madam we are hungry, we want to eat ..." said Morty—I'm cleo. The tigress said."I shouldn't have been involved in everything ...Cleo sat on a stone wall and glanced at the first of our group of tired griffins.Then he went to hold his face.After a while he opened to think and think, took out a cloth and stared thoughtfully."Would you like to live on my farm?" Cleo said."Yes! Like a choir of singers, we all said."Well, I hope I don't regret ..."No," Morty said, with absolute certainty, so fast that I took all the words from him.He broke that fabric that until now he had seen awkwardly, which had a flowery pattern of blue flowers and a pink background."Cover up!" Do you think it is not necessary to show so much?We all grieved, we took the pieces of cloth, so far no, we remembered that we did not wear anything, and we were naked before a lady.But after all, we had problems, since some could only cover their parts, taking the cloth and their hands.-Who cares? One of the boys said, I don't know who it was, but right now it was just surviving and she was a light of hope.After a haze so thick, like a cream, Cleo guided us down a muddy path, between trunks so large that they looked like columns of a palace, hardly with a liter, formed as always, like a small battalion, we passed what seemed like a formation It was rocky but it was only a house, in carved stone, with an elegant aspect, but that could not be seen by the fog."Wait, wipe your legs off," said Cleo.As an order from a high colonel, we cleaned our legs, so much so that there was no trace of mud left on them.We entered the house into a spacious room, some wooden pizzas of a style that I had never seen before, but which reminds me of the bones of a fish and a decorated delicacy, it was clear that Cleo had resources.We were totally exhausted from walking so many kilometers, thirst and hunger were the theme for weeks and anjelicas sound and smell:"Lunch Time," said Cleo.In a hurry, that only young people can have, they quickly arrived at the dining room, in a dark house, only with the light of what I think was the kitchen, there was only a english cream a few pieces of bread and a few pears, but it was the, hunger so great that we were real beasts when eating, the cream drained between our breasts, arms and crotches, the bread crumbs made the parts that belonged in Ours, bodies and the juicy pear were a dessert that wet our hands, it was only a delicacy a delight:

"Disgusting," said Cleo.

Until that moment, we did not realize but, seven griffins men saved by this noble tigress, we went to eat in her dining room, like wild beasts, in an unknown house and after all naked before her, what a more uncomfortable scenario:

"I knew it cooked well, but this is ridiculous," said Cleo.

Just listening to that we all sat down as a gentleman in the chairs, while cleo illuminated the dining room more:

"Sorry, Mrs. Cleo," said Morty.

The already better lit room showed a group of dirty taps, each one inside I think was saying curse, but that is when I looked at my soldiers each with their special mark, but the hero was only two in this case, Cleo and morty. Morty at this moment stood in front of Cleo was a mockery for everyone, cream from his beak that went through his right arm and that passed between his torso, and divided into two directions one to his right leg gushing, between his fingers to the ground, formed a puddle of cream and the other passing through its pubic plumage, rotating down his penis to his falling lump, with drops sprinkled by the fine crumbs of bread that hastily devoured, even a piece of bread of considerable size ran down his leg to the floor:

- Well guys it's time to sleep, it's too late - Cleo said.

As she examined, she turned her head towards a closet, opened it and took out some blankets in a hurry while we looked at her.

"Good evening, you will sleep in the attic!" Cleo exclaimed.

Gentlemen, here present, order and collect! "You arranged this, didn't you, sir ...?" I said wearily with weak voice, interrupting Mrs. Cleo's prayer.

"No, it's not my thing, sir. But I thought the military was more, don't be disrespectful."

"Yes, that's true, sir, yes, that's true," said Morty.

You see it's that we just want to serve you.

"I suppose so," said Cleo.

He did not add "rude." they had dealt with as much garbage and quite tired as the others during those last nine weeks, of that war. Morty's gift at the time was almost magical. In fact, it was almost a miracle. Also, that tigress saved us from a huge problem. So, speaking to Cleo added:

—There are people who might consider this strange, sir...

—Yes, madam, we already mentioned it to you once, madam, but we want to explain what happened to us... it was.

We explained to him the reason for our situation - he frowned - listening how and from where, which is hope, sir. "Hope," Cleo murmured.

"If we are your property now, are we, ma'am?" Morty said.

-I think so? But is it weird for me, sir ...? A loud yawn, loud was heard interrupting the conversation, Cleo with a pile of blankets led us, by large wooden stairs to the second floor, a small door for any of us, with a sturdy padlock, opened it with a silver key He opened it: "Well guys, breakfast is served at eight o'clock tomorrow," Cleo said.

All being large, we entered a smell of cinnamon and humidity was breathed in the environment, a loud noise, confirms the closing of the small door, a room lit by a large circular window, hanging fabrics, old curtains and some old furniture including beds with mattresses of a dirty yellow color, it was everything but after a torture it was a luxury accommodation, most of my men only went to bed and fell asleep immediately, but Morty and I only looked at the fog and now some stars, Morty and I collected some of the old curtains, making with them an improvised blind, this was our new life, we only knew that we were safe for that night.

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