Chapter 1

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Most days, the facility for the protectors is pretty boring. There will be the random small crime here or there, some days a major crime but usually its just a slow day.

"Ey Laylah! Incoming!"

I swivel around in my chair quickly, catching the incoming donut hole that was hurled at me in my mouth, "Ha! Got it! Point, me!"

Vytal grumbled angrily, drawing a mark under my name on the facility whiteboard, glaring at me angrily "You have some type of abnormal ability to catch any food thrown at you"

I grinned and shrugged, relxing back in my chair as the siren sounded, the chiefs voice calling over the overcome "All protecters on sight, we have a 10-91 at the asylum. Only one prisoner gone, but highly dangerous. Proceed with caution."

Laylah groaned and slammed her iced coffee on the table, "I swear to Paramecia, if that is Gregori again I will murder Vytal!"

"What the hell do I have to do with anything?!"

"I just don't like your stupid face."

"Well Mom loves me more."

Laylah threw a donut hole at him which he happily caught in his mouth, grinning from ear to ear as he grabbed his coat. "Dream team back together again! Lets go catch us an asylumer!"

His footsteps echoed down the abandoned alleyway as he fled the asylum, his tattered jacket flapping behind him. This is the tenth time in the past seven years that he has managed to escape. He knew things that they could kill him for, but they wouldn't. If they killed him then everyone would know they killed him because he was telling the truth; so they threw him in the asylum instead.

His shoes squeaked as he took a sharp left, hiding undervthe cover of darkness as the flashing of white lights erupted in the distance. The protecters were here and he needed to hide.

He quickly turned around and darted back down the alley, a dumpster at the end would be the perfect place to hide. He quickly climbed into the dumpster, slamming the lid shut as the protecters cars screeched to a halt.

Laylah jumped out of the car, flashing her light down the alley "Gregori? I know youre in there.... just come out to us peacefully and we wont have a problem."

Vytal hoped out of the car "Remember protocol  with these type of people. We need to take them out immediately...."

Lylah shushed him and slowly walked down the alleyway, her shoes specifically made to not make sound as she walked towards the dumpster. She jerked her chin towards the dumpster and Vytal nodded, slowly making his way behind the dumpster and threw it open. Lylah shined her flashlight in and let out a sigh, "Hes not getting in my car...."

Gregori was sprawled out, making the bold choice to wear a banana peel as a hat, "You cant say this is the worst place ive been found. I remember the third time I escaped in 56, they found me hiding in a sewage treatment plant! They had to hose me down for twenty minutes before I was put in a car. Good times, good ti- HEY!"

Laylah and Vytal had both grabbed an arm, dragging him out of the dumpster and towards the cars. Gregori grinned "Whoopsies, guess its just back to the asylum for me."

Laylah gave him a devilish smile "Actually, the Grand Leaders would like to have a word with you. Apparently you have been saying some very.... interesting... things in the asylum."

Gregoris body went stiff and he struggled to get free of their grip, anyone that went to see the grand leaders on an account like this rarely ever made it out with their lives. Someone with his record would not make it out alive. He managed to get one hand free before Vytal tackled him to the ground, using his full force to pin his body down. Laylah grabbed the cuffs and cuffed his hands, grinning "You have the right to remain silent. Any action or thing you say can and definitely will be used against you. But by all means, keep trying to escape. I like to watch them squirm."

Vytal threw him in the back of the car, driving off to the Grim Citadel. The Grand Leaders were the closest everyone would come to meeting Paramecia, they were able to hear Paramecias wishes and in return they would live forever. None of them ever did live more than a hundred years or so, the Culpatus were known for their assassination attempts. They didnt like that they had the technology for eternal life but didnt share it.

The Culpatus had their leaders too, bidding the will of Diabolus but their job was much different. They got to know who was the next to turn demon so they could terrorize the Sacrae. The Grand Leaders and The Over Carrier had a relationship no one will ever understand, or live long enough to understand.

Vytal drove to the pier, pushing a button on his dashboard. A flash of light appeared across the water, a glittering white road leading out to a huge golden castle.

Gregori twitched uncomfortably "Please! You don't understand what I know and what they will do to me! I could tell you things that could save millions! Please!"

Vytal reached into his pocket until he felt the cool metal of his taser, "Youre crazy, man. You deserve everything you get."

"I must get a trial! You must at least give me a trial! Innocent until proven guilty!"

The crack of the taser filled the car as Gregori thrashed around, his body spasming. Vytal snickered and let the taser continue for another  two minutes until he pulled up to the Citadel.

He turned off the taser and gave Gregori a lazy grin, "We're heeeeeeeere."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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