Little One part 2

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Mew and Gulf woke the next day to the sun swinging through the windows. Mew snuggled up in Gulf's arms. 

"Good morning baby." Mew said.

For a second Gulf thought he was talking about the child in his stomach so he paniced. But then realized he couldn't have known so he calmed down.

"Good morning love," He responds. He kisses mew briefly before trying to get up. But instead of getting up he is pulled back down.

"No don't leave yet. I wanna snuggle," Mew says with a cute smile.

"I would stay but I have to pee," 

'Must be the pregnancy' Gulf thought.

Mew let him go while sulking. He wanted to hold his fiancè the whole morning without letting go. But now that he wasn't doing that, he got up and got dressed.

After he finished getting dressed, Gulf walked out of the bathroom.

"Babbbbbbyyyyy," Gulf whined.

"Yes my love?" Mew says and walks over to his fiancè. And brings him in his arms.

"Can you get me pizza?" He pouts.

"You know the only pizza place open today is far away. It will take and hour to get there," Mew says.

"Mmmm, but I want pizza. Can you please get some?" 

"Ok. But why are you having all these western food cravings? It's almost if your pregnant or something." Mew jokes.

Gulf panics, "whaaatttt? Nooo, I'm not pregnant!" He quickly walks away to hide his lies from Mew.

"I was kidding. But let me get ready. Then I will go and be back as soon as I can, I wanna get back and cuddle you." He walks over and kisses Gulf. "I love you,"

"I love you too. Now hurry. I want pizza."

"Ok, I will hurry." He turns around and gets ready.

He finally left and that's when Gulf started working on the suprise party. 

He first worked on cleaning as there house was a bit dirty. He worked hard but got tired really fast. Then he was hungry again. Hus stomach grumbled but he had to ignore it because he didn't knew what time Mew was going to get home.  And if he didnt have everything set up, everything eould be ruined. So, he got back to work but this time, even faster then before.

Once he was done cleaning, he checked the time. He had spent almost 45 minutes cleaning. 

'Shit. I took too long to clean. He is going to be home soon,' Gulf thought.

So he hurried into the shower, to make sure he looked presentable.

He hurried in the shower. He quickly got in washed up then got out. He was sad it wasn't with Mew but it had to do.

He finished showering and got dressed. It was time to start on the party.

he grabbed the decorations and put the up one by one. Putting up streamers, sprinkling confetti on the ground, and putting the flowers in a nice vase.

He got the balloons and put them on the table, right next to the card he still had to write.

Just as he set the balloons down he got a text from Mew.

'Babe, I am almost home.'

Gulf paniced because he still had to get the pregnancy text in a box, and he had to write the card.

'Ok, how long until your home?' He asked.

'Only about 5 to 10 mintues. I just drove past Ben's flower shop' Mew responded.

'Ok, are you texting and driving?'

'No, don't worry I just stopped at a red light and it turned green.'

'Ok, drive safe, I love you.' Gulf said.

The text didn't say read but he knew that Mew was driving. So he quickly went to get the card, and on that card he wrote.

^Dear my love, I wanted to tell you something. I am pretty sure you will like it but I honestly don't know,^

Gulf laughed and kept writing.

^but I just want you to know I love you so so much. Ok, here goes. I'm pregnant. With your child.^

He put the card down and quickly hurried to his dresser. He looked for the pregnancy test, he found it right under his shirts like he left it. He grabbed it and went straight to the small box he got. 

He heard the front door unlock, so he quickly put the pregnancy test in the box. He set it down next to the card. And stood right in front of them to make sure mew doesn't see it right away.

In through the door came Mew,

"Baby I'm ho- what is all this?" He says while walking around. Looking at all the decorations and how clean the house was.

"Go set the pizza down some where and come here." Gulf says with a nervous sound to it.

Mew did as he was told and walked over to his fiancè. Gulf brought him into a hug. They just stood for a couple mintues. Mew finally pulled back but didn't let go of Gulf.

"Ok now what is it you want to tell me. I love hugging you but I need to know." Mew laughs.

Gulf turned around and picked up the card.

"Here read this." He handed the card to Mew, he opened it and started to read it. After about 10 seconds, Gulf saw that Mew started crying.

"Awe baby dont cry," Gulf said as he wiped the tears falling from Mew's face. Mew was still looked at the card. Reading "I'm pregnant" trying to process what he was reading. He finally looked up, and asked.

"Your pregnant?"

"Yes, I am. Your gonna be a dad." Gulf lifted up his shirt to show the small bump. "Your not mad are you?" Gulf asked.

Mew didn't say anything, he just went in to kiss his lover.

"So your not mad?" Gulf asked again. 

"No, baby. No. I'm not mad, I am so freaking happy. Oh I love you so much." He brought Gulf into another hug. This time crying even more.

This cause Gulf to cry as well. Mew heard that Gulf was crying so he broke the hug and whipped his lovers tears.

"My love, why are you crying?" He said with a chuckle.

"I thought you were going to be mad. I was so afraid you would want this child. I was so scared you were gonna leave me." Gulf kept on crying, and dug his head into Mew's neck. 

Then Gulf remember he still had a cake and a box to give him.

He pulled away from the hug, wipped his tears. He turned around and grabbed the box.

"Here is proof," He said laughing.

Mew opened the box and saw the positive pregnancy test sitting inside. Although he already knew he started crying again like he was told for the first time.

"Oh, yeah. I also have cake."

"Forget about the cake for now." Mew said, he got closer to Gulf, lifted up his shirt and kissed the bump on his belly.

"Hey there little one. I will try to be a good father for you. But I don't have much experience. I can't promise that, but one thing I can promise is I will love you forever. I will never stop loving you." He looked up to Gulf, "and I will forever love you too"

"I will love you forever too."

For the rest of the night, they cuddled and ate lots of a cake. They had fun just sharing love with each other. Both happy the will become parents, and both happy it's with each other.


Hey guys. I am sorry if this chapter isn't this good. I have been trouble writing lately. But hope u enjoyed! Love yah! ❤❤

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