t w e n t y

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"CAN I GET YOU ANYTHING ELSE?" Mia asked, placing a steaming cup of tea before the queen who was sitting on the lower level of the ship.

"No, but thank you for the hospitality." She smiled kindly as BB-7P tended to her minor wounds.

Mia liked her.

The queen had obviously been through a lot, suffered a deal of starvation, mistreatment and not to mention a terribly frightening situation.

Yet, visibly, she was as calm as anything.

She held the exterior of a true fearless leader, a quality Mia greatly admired.

"I'm surprised," The queen spoke in between a sip of her tea, "I was expecting a bigger group of bounty hunters. But obviously it only takes two highly skilled individuals to get the job done."

Mia smiles bashfully, "What can I say? We're damn good out at our jobs I guess."

"I'll say," the queen scoffed, "Do you two do missions together often?"

Mia shook her head, "First time."

"Well I wouldn't consider it your last." She replied knowingly. "From what I can see, you compliment each other remarkably."

Mia felt angered at the small blush that rose to her cheeks.

Why was she blushing?

"Um, I'll go check on our route." She ascended the stairs to the upper level. "Let me know if you need anything."

Mia rubbed her eyes on her way up, the exhaustion of the past couple of days finally hitting her like a ton of bricks.

Not to mention the pain of her bruised ribs still radiating heavily.

Thankfully she had BB-7P to attend to her, as she'd some how managed to convince Mando to bring him with them.

By convince she meant she didn't listen to a word of Mando's refusals. She just knew that she couldn't leave it behind on such a desolate and unforgiving planet. He'd have much more fun with her company.

"She's pretty intimidating." Mia confessed before plopping into her seat beside the pilot.

The Mandalorian faced the view ahead, "Says the girl who invented chainsaw fingers."

"Hmm," a smile played on her lips, "So you think I'm intimidating? Noted."

He turned to her with a blank expression.

She stared back before finding the words, "...I can't tell if you're glaring or looking at me with adoring eyes."

He watched as the reflections of starlight bounced off the caramel colour of her eyes. The way her long hair sprawled along the back of the seat that was usually empty. He'd gotten so used to her being there that it was strange knowing it wasn't going to last for long.

He said after a short moment of deliberation, "Give me your feet."

Mia's lips parted. They were the last words she had expected to hear. "What?"

"I lost the bet, right?" He switched the flight mode to auto pilot before swivelling in her chair to face her, "I owe you a foot rub."

"Oh...yeah." She blinked, "...Right now?

"I'm only asking once, Mia." He snapped.

The girl bit back a grin as she eagerly kicked off her shoes.

He pulled them up onto his lap and began to massage her soles with his gloved hands.

Mia usually wasn't the blushing type, but she found herself doing it a lot today. She realised that she'd never really felt his hands, or any part of him really. And now she could feel the tense muscles of his thighs beneath her feet and the steady pressure of his thumbs against her skin.

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