Rising Dragon: Story of Draco Fang

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The story begins with a young 7 year old boy in Shimotsuki Village meets Roronoa Zoro, and Monkey D. Luffy. Monkey D. Luffy now known around the entire world as the King of the Pirates challenges the young boy to follow his dreams and never let anything  get in his way. As a gift Luffy gave him 2 devil fruit which he had been safeguarding till he met someone with a heart of gold and unshakable confidence like himself. He tasked Zoro with the responsibility of training him because like Zoro this young boy had been training at the same dojo as a swordsman. 5 years have past and he has fully completed training from Zoro. Zoro now 44 years old and still renown currently as the strongest swordsman in the world smiles and says. "Your on your own from here on out kid, Luffy and I aren't that old but, we aren't retiring yet. We will meet you at the end of the Grand Line if you make it that far we will acknowledge you and your crew as rivals. I may have taught you everything you know but, never forget you still don't know all that I know because you need to develop your own style," said Zoro. The Thousand Sunny pulls in the port and Zoro waves at them as they launch a small boat being towed behind and dock it. "This is a gift from us Straw Hats, its made to give you the ability to weather anything the seas throw at you here in the East Blue. You can thank Franky for that. Don't forget what Luffy told you for that is the best advice you will ever receive," said Zoro.
Zoro jumps onto the ship and joins the rest of the straw hats. Luffy now age 42 then looks down at the young man and gives him a thumbs up as the ship disembarks.  "I will never give up I will make you proud! I Draco Fang will form the best pirate crew the world has ever seen and I will meet you on the Grand Line. Just you wait I will make you proud of not only training me as a swordsman but, granting me the power of the Flame Flame Fruit and the Rumble Rumble Fruit. I will become worthy of being your successor as King of the Pirates!" Yelled the young man. Luffy let at a full hearted laugh, "Well, I accept your challenge and I will see you in the New World on the Grand Line," yelled Luffy in response. The Thousand Sunny drifted off into the sunset as Draco watched. The boy decided to hone his sword craft for 3 more years he developed a completely original sword style that utilized his full power. The only thing left for him was to get two swords capable of withstanding the unchecked power of his devil fruit and haki. Rather than having someone craft swords for him he decided to craft his own blades after learning how to make one from Zoro. 2 years of trial and error he finally grafts two Jian style blades that he decides to name Hiryu and Rairyu. They were fully imbued with his hopes and dreams. Hiryu has a red hue along the edge, Rairyu has a light blue hue along the edge. His fellow pupils at his dojo as well as the master of the dojo reverenced them with the same respect as the legendary blades Zoro himself used. He created sheaths and gathered his belongings and other supplies he needed including his pirate flag he designed for his ship. He mounted the flag on the mast and then disembarked on his journey.
He decided first he would need a First Mate like Zoro was to Luffy. He heard of a wolf man on the Island of Rare Animals who defended the island from poachers. So, his first stop was that island. Weeks passed, finally he arrived on the island.  "Well, where do I start?," said Draco as he docked his ship. The large animals came out in curiosity wondering if he was friend or foe. Draco, being aware of the deadly beasts simply exerted his Haoshoku haki ability and overwhelmed their wills scaring them away. All but, one beast ran away. "Hi, there you aren't like the rest. If I am right you are a devil fruit user like myself. My name is Draco Fang and I want you to join my crew," said Draco. The beast walked out from the shadows slowly standing up on its hind legs as it transformed into a human hybrid. "I am Xander Bale, you assumed correct though I would have never guessed you were a devil fruit user. I ate the Wolf Wolf Fruit and was then banished here as a young boy. The beasts here raised me I taught myself how to use haki as I defended the island from poachers and pirates. This island has become my treasure. I am sorry but, I can't leave it," said Xander.
"However I can be a good host till you are able to gather the necessary supplies so you can leave," said Xander. Draco nodded, "As sad as I am to hear that I don't want you to give up your treasure unwillingly," said Draco. They set up camp along the shore and told stories of each others adventures and experiences. The next morning, they awoke to the sound of gun fire to the north. Xander woke up quickly and immediately transformed. "How could I have been so stupid I can't sleep for even a moment," said Xander as he bolted at lightning fast speed towards the gun fire. Draco quickly after also being awoken by the sudden gun fire ran after him. "Hey! your not alone let me help you no one has any right to disturb the peace here," said Draco. They arrived at the source of the gun fire along the north shore. There was an entire fleet of ships flying the Golden Lion Flag of the Golden Lion Pirates. The current captain Taiga Ryoshi stood along the shore with a huge fraction of his crew.  "Who are you supposed to be?" Said Taiga. "I am the protector of this island no one is welcome here unless you are here peacefully," said Xander in his Wolf hybrid form.  "I will have to make you aware that we are here to hunt for meat for my crew. Once we receive enough food for our trip to the Grand Line I promise we will leave," said Taiga. "Again I will repeat myself so you can hear clearly. I am the protector of this island you will not hunt the beasts on this island while I am here. Go search for your meat elsewhere," said Xander.
"You can't be serious, do you see how large my crew is? We can't find anywhere near enough meat anywhere in the East Blue. What can you do? You are just one man," said Taiga. Draco steps out from the shadows, "Better check your count you bastard. He isn't alone I won't stand for anyone preying upon the weak," said Draco as he pressed this thumb against the hilt of Hiryu and used his devil fruit powers to show a small flick of flame across the blade. "Another one? Who are you?," said Taiga. "My name is Draco Fang," said Draco. The Golden Lion crew began to look scared and talk amongst themselves. "No way that's one of the pirates specifically chosen and trained by Monkey D. Luffy the King of the Pirates and his Crew. He has a 10 Billion Berry Bounty on his head already and I only heard he just recently left his home town to begin his journey," said the enemies crew. "Shut up! No one is that special just because he was chosen by the King of the Pirates doesn't mean he is strong enough to defeat me. I am the heir to the previous captain of this crew. Luffy himself almost lost to him and I am his superior in terms of combat ability. No new up and comer is gonna best me," said Taiga. Draco smirked at him but, right as he was about to draw his sword. Xander stopped him, "This is my fight Draco please let me handle it. There is something I haven't told you. I was chosen by Luffy and trained by Tony Chopper the Straw Hats doctor. I don't have as high a bounty on my head as you but, I have a 9.5 billion berry bounty on my head. I don't have to use a Rumble Ball like Chopper but, I have just as many transformations. I will show you what I am capable of," said Xander. "Did you hear him? Captain Taiga how do you hope to face off against 2 people chosen by the Pirate King?," said a member of the enemy crew. "Well I can't hold back either with my Leo Leo Fruit powers," said Taiga as he transformed into a lion hybrid and drew his two swords.
"Well I have a total of 7 transformations can you handle all of them with my Haki?," smirked Xander. "I will start by showing off my strongest form that merges my mastery of ninjitsu with my devil fruit powers as well as my Haki. Ninjitsu Break!," said Xander as he transformed into a skinnier version of his standard wolf hybrid form. "I won't let anyone interfere either. Ninjitsu + Pack Break! Clone Jutsu!," said Xander as he put two fingers on each hand close together in a cross formation in front of him. After he did that he multiplied into 10,000 clones of himself.  "Don't backdown men!," said Taiga as he seemed to be scared lightly. His men a lot more scared than he was raised their swords and their guns and charged at the army of clones. Draco smirked and sheathed his sword again, "Well well well, I guess I will just sit back and enjoy the show," said Draco as he sat down and leaned against a nearby tree. The clones charged and took out all the men while the original Xander and Taiga faced off. "So, you still have the honor to face off against me one on one," said Taiga. "I don't need an army to beat you," said Xander as he drew his ninjato out of the sheath across his back. "This is a Kokuto I have named Shadouurufu. This blade is as famous as Mohawk's Yoru.  It will never be bested in battle as long as I wield it," said Xander.  "A small blade like that is gonna best my two swords, the legendary Oto and Kogarashi which I have reforged into these two blades," said Taiga. "You talk to much," said Xander as he sent a air slash with his ninjato towards  Taiga. Taiga dodged but, didn't matter Xander wasn't aiming for him. His target was the fleet of ships docked behind him. They each were destroyed and sunk to the bottom with that one slash.
Taiga was dumbfounded the men were all now slaughtered by the clones. Only Taiga was left standing, "Are you aware now of how out of your league you truly are," said Xander as he turned his back to Taiga and sheathed his blade. Taiga dropped to his knees, "Please spare the rest of us we will look elsewhere for meat," said Taiga. "We will not only do that but, we will make sure we spread word that this area is not allowed to be hunted for meat," said Taiga. Xander smirked and nodded, "If I see or get word that the inhabitants of this island are ever hunted for meat I will hunt you down and them that stepped foot on this island and utterly destroy you with no mercy," said Xander. Taiga looked as if he was gonna wet himself and then ran away along with all of his surviving crew. Draco stood up now and applauded as he walked towards Xander, "I knew there was a reason why I felt impressed I needed you for my crew," said Draco. Xander smiled and laughed, "Well as I was fighting them I felt as though I have nothing to worry about as long as I make myself notorious enough," said Xander. Xander knelt in front of Draco, "I will happily follow you now that I have done just that by making one of the biggest most notorious pirate crews run in fear I have secured the safety of the inhabitants here. Captain will you allow me to travel with you now," said Xander. Draco smiled and nodded, "I wouldn't have it any other way," said Draco.

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