Chains on me

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Y/n was 5 when her parents were killed in a horrific accident her parents were drowned in debt wich they passed onto her she was taken by fire nation gaurds to the palace and brought before fire lord azulon . he talked to ozai asking him what he should do with the child

"make her a slave"

y/n stood there chains wrapped around her wrist and tears dripping down her face azula and zuko walked near y/n she flinched away y/n was not much older than they were she had cuts all over her skin and a lighting strike down her neck and her eyes glowed a yellow amber zuko was entranced , y/n looked up to azulon and twistd her hands he suddenly bent backward and cracked his body in all ways azula noticed this instantly


azula yelled ozai kicked the girl to the side and into a column knocking her unconcious zuko was about to run over when ozai put a hand infront of him azulon got up and pointed a finger at her gaurds rushed over picked her up and dragged her too the cells.

everyday azulon and his family all except zukos mother would come and beat y/n every day too pay off her familys deabt everytime ozai would whip her then azulon then azula then zuko , zuko was always hesitent when he did it like he was trying not to hurt her but still ,did this went on for a 3 months but on this special day y/ns life would change.

y/n was sitting in her cell and looking up at the moon her arms were chained up and seperated so she couldnt bend the only comfort she had was a window that shone the moons reflecting on her the door slowly creaked open as a nervous prince zuko stepped into her chamber y/n looked at him in disgust

"hey zuko here"

y/n scowled and spat at him

"i know you cant speak english i want to help you"

zuko let her chains go y/n jumped and pinned him to the wall and her heated up slolwy then she stopped and let him go and sat on the floor cross legged and he sat infront of her

"i am zuko"

"i am y/n"


he smiled these lesson continued for a year

Zuko x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now