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Y/n packed all her things in her tent when aang suddenly burst in she was startled
"Aang the hell"
Aang closed the tent behind him
"I know I know you your face reminds me of the queen of centauri it was a great fire nation country she had the same eyes as you and you look so much a like"
Y/n looked up confused
"Aang the centauri moon warriors were..."
Y/n stopped there and thought a bit
"Great people and I've always been in the water tribe so I doubt it cmon katara and sokka will be waiting for us"
Aang smiled and walked out of the tent y/n moved her pillow to reveal her old fire nation cape and dress she put a hand on her necklace an as d packed the cloak in the bottom of her bag then ran out of her tent and jumped on appa and away they went.

A couple months after y/n came to the island she didn't talk to anyone sokka would always come to her and rain her and soon enough she talked to them
"Hey I'm y/n"
Sokka was shocked he blushes and rubbed the back of his head
"Hey you can talk I mean I'm sokka"

after that sokka and her became best of friends and she slowly warmed up to katara to


it had been 3 months since aang found out the truth they were at a small rivine there was a waterfall and a river were katara was teaching aang waterbending and y/n and sokka were working on there weapons aang leaned over to katara and whispered

"so dose y/n not bend i thought she was a water bender like you"

"she dose bend and she can hear you"

y/n cocked her eyebrow and looked up at them

"mabey you can teach me waterbending then"

aang looked at her excited y/n looked at sokka then katara and shook her head as if a signal not to tell him

"i cant bend that well i can bearly move water we should go to the village and see if we can find any supplies"

and with that team avatar left

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