New family

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Y/n drifted across the seas all while being unconscious her boat finally stopped and she was flung off of it and landed on what seemed like an island made of ice she was still knocked out and landed face first on the floor two figures walked towards her wearing all blue clothing they pointed a bat at her she didn't move then two adults came and picked her up and carried her to a tent and tended to her wounds and she lived among the water tribe for years after that
"The end and that's how we found little ol y/n

Sokka mocked y/n punched him in the side and laughed with him as he told the story of her arrival to the younger children y/n was now 14 years old her hair hung to her back it was long and tangled with plats dotted about with twisted red ribbon she had a light blue leather jacket and a light blue skirt with a light blue knee boots with a black heel sokka had taught her how to fight and in return y/n showed katara how to bend and also to fish
"Y/n cmon teach me more bending"
Katara pleaded
"I only fire bending and I've taught you blood bending there's nothing more I can teach you"

y/n smirked at katara when sokka ran over
"cmon guys we need to go fishing now"
He yelled at the two of them katara and y/n scowled at him and then they walked and in the boat katara and sokka got in anthor argument y/n just sat in the back minding her business until katara waterbended at sokka
(Imma just skip to them meeting the avatar)
They looked at the small frozen boy y/n heated her hands and wrapped him up in a fire cold he then sprung up and pointed a wooden Staff at them Then stopped when he saw y/n and he bowed
"Your highness we're am I"
He asked y/n confused
"I'm not a princess I'm just a common water tribe girl"
Y/n stepped backwards the avatar stepped forward and looked in her eyes and furrowed his brows
"OK THEN I'm aang nice to meet you all so were in a water tribe camp nice"
His bison licked the side of y/n's face sokka and katara laughed anng kissed katara on the hand she giggled as sokka waved his weapon at him y/n sat on the bison
"So aang what's the big guys name"
Y/n stroked the bison
"His names appa you wanna ride him"
She nodded
"Y/n get down from there he could be dangerous"
Sokka yelled time her
"That's why it's fun so what do I have to say to get big guy to fly"
She asked anng
"Yip yip"
Aang smiled y/n
"Yip yip?"
Y/n questioned him suddenly appa flew high in the air y/n and looked at the ivy ocean to see a fire nation ship y/n flew back with appa and landed
y/n yelled

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