Part 19

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When she saw zuko he looked scars and frightened
"Zuko you ok"
Y/n asked him
"I just saw toph I burnt her by accident"
"WAIT we're did you burn her"
Y/n asked concerend
"her feet"
Y/n gasped and ran away
she ran and tried to find top she saw toph at the edge of the cliff about to fall y/n grabbed her and pulled her away from the cliff
"Toph Jesus too close alright let's get you down"
Y/n helped her get down but the time she was down it was the morning they burst threw a mole hole and katara and sokka ran over
Aang asked y/n helped toph into the fountain
"I um"
Y/n stutterd
"We went to see zuko to talk I made y/n come and he was suprised by us and burned my feet y/n helped me get down" toph nodded at y/n she nodded back suddenly zuko dropped down
"Toph listen I'm sorry I really didn't mean too"
Zuko tried to explain but katara blasted him with water
"Y/n your right I'm not mad at him for my mother's death I'm mad at him for hurting my friend"
As she was about to bend him again the 3 eyed assassin sent a laser beam to them 
Y/n yelled they were stuck behind a pillar as zuko was climbing to stop him he kept lasers g them so y/n made a choice
"Guys I'm sorry i will explain everything later"
Y/n kartwheeled out and firebended at the assassin and hit him in his target he ran away
Y/n yelled she jumped and a bit of the cliff broke of and she fell zuko jumped and saved her and landed on the platform she hugged him and there acsesories glowed again they leanded in and kisses each other sweetly and hugged
"I thought I was gonna die"
She snuggled into him
"Want to explain anything to us"
Sokka asked pissed off
"Ye not really"

30 minutes later they sat around the camp

"Well we're do I start well my parents were killed in a firenation raid and the fire lord caught me and I was locked and I escaped I'm. A firebender"
Y/n finished they all looked at her stunned she left out some bits for her own good
"I mean wow so you've been lying to us"
Sokka asked
"No you never asked if I could fire bend you asked if I could waterbend that I lied about but if you asked I would have just told you there's no reason to keep it hidden I trust all of you"
Y/n said
"Listen I know this is my fault please don't be mad y/n it's my fault I intruded on her life and now I'm causing you to fight"
Zuko said standing up
"Y/n I'm sorry but they won't take me it was never gonna happen I'll see you soon"
Zuko started to walk away
Y/n yelled and stormed to her room and slammed her door.

Zuko x female readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora