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Four months later

"I would like to make a toast, and most importantly because, I've been waiting for this moment to embarrass Gems ever since I can remember." He takes another sip of the golden champagne that sits in all of our glasses. He smiles beautifully, holding a hint of mischief as his eyes wander my way in the midst of all those around in the crowd. The salty ocean is carried over by the current cool breeze, touching my skin, a reminder that a new season is definitely upon us. "Gemma, you are quite honestly, the most infuriating older sister a man could ever ask for," Harry states, earning a cheer from all. Poor Anne simply shakes her head, unable to stop her own humorous grin from appearing onto her face. "You've taunted and challenged me over the years. When I was younger, I couldn't wait for us to be apart. But now, the very idea of not having you near...pains me." His voice breaks, revealing the evident and obvious sadness. "You are a remarkably magnificent woman and it's my honor to have you in my life. You have always taken care of me and I promise to always be there for you. Which is why today, is one of the happiest, but saddest nights of my life." He clears his throat, allowing the pain to wash away once our eyes lock, granting him the courage to proceed forward. "You're a married woman now Gems, please for the love of god, don't scare him away."

The crowd filled with close family and friends, cheers, engaging into carefree and joyous conversation as the party continues. The taste of alcohol lingers in my mouth as I remain seated next to Anne, listening in on talks of the upcoming weather, promising novels to read, and songs to hear. It's a beautiful day under the Tuscan sun on a magical evening in September. Autumn has always been one of my favorite seasons, providing an array of colors in the atmosphere. Orange for prosperity and warmth. Red symbolizes fire, strength, and courage. And my absolute personal best is of course, yellow because it reminds me of the man who keeps my heart safe. Yellow reminds me of the radiant and brightening sun that casts down upon us from the sky. Yellow is a fresh new start, a clean slate, a silver lining in the darkest of storms. Yellow represents growth and a hopeful future which is exactly what we have found together ever since Cannes.

It hasn't been an easy ride, let me assure you. The media was once again in an absolute frenzy, seeking answers and demanding explanations. How could we possibly be back together? What were we doing in our time apart? What caused us to separate? Of course, no questions were answered as we hope to keep it that way. We hope to keep certain dark reminders in the past, allowing us to proceed happily into the future. We've also been occupied with work and multiple projects of our own, providing little time together. My directing career has taken off into full gear, allowing productions to begin next month before the winter holidays. Harry himself has returned from nearly a year and a half of touring the world, focusing on time to write new songs that will soon be transformed into classic records. However, even though it's easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of the city, we've come to realize that in the midst of it all, the little moments are what count.

It's after all, the little moments in life. The smell of fresh breakfast in the mornings that the other decides to kick start the day off with. A newly hot pot of coffee set aside on the kitchen counter before emerging out into the big apple. A stolen kiss when you least expect it. A Polaroid captured when you're all fresh and clean from a bath. Him sitting behind me on the sofa, allowing my head to rest on his chest while he brushes my hair softly and ever so gently. It's the little moments that make my heart race uncontrollably. He will always make my heart race uncontrollably. 

I feel him behind my chair, bending down, settling his chin onto my shoulder. The stubble from the small hairs resting around his mouth cause me to squirm and giggle as he places a ginger kiss onto my cheek. He smells of the promising sea and the sparkling sun while alcohol also remains on his tongue once he truly tilts my chin to the side, kissing me properly on the mouth. The moment lasts for approximately a number of seconds, but it's enough to make my knees buckle and my heart to flutter with butterflies. His evergreen eyes are my entire world as they pour their soul into mine, seeking comfort, seeking my touch and presence.

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