Chapter 22.

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"Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you?" Tony asked, his face full of concern.

"I'm sure. I just need to be by myself. Thank you though."

"If you change your mind, just let me know and I will be here in two minutes."

You nodded then pulled your keys out of your bag. "Thanks Tony, for everything."

He responded by pulling you into a hug. "You know I love you, right? I'm not the only one, there are a bunch of other people at that stupid school that do too. The ones who believe the lie that Monty told, aren't worth your time."

Tears sprang to your eyes again after hearing Monty's name. "Love you, too." You leaned in and kissed his cheek.

He waited while you unlocked the door and closed it behind you before returning to his car.

Once inside, you kicked your shoes off and dropped your bag on the chair in the living room. Your phone started ringing as soon as the first stair creaked under your step. "Hi, mom."

"Hi, honey. How was your day? Your father is here too."

"Hey, princess." Your dad yelled in the background.

"We just wanted to check in and say hi. My work meeting ended early today so we are going to dinner at a swanky place your father found. They have tables that overlook the ocean and, according to online reviews, have the best desserts in town."

"Only the best for you, my dear." Your dad's voice came through again.

Your mom giggled.

"Everything here is good. I was just going to start on homework.

"That's good to hear. Well, we should go or we will miss our reservation. We love you, honey."

"Love you too."

Your mom was giggling again as she hung up the phone.

You threw your phone on the bed and changed into leggings and oversized sweatshirt. Your phone buzzed and you saw that your best friend had text you.

"Justin just told me what happened. I'm so sorry, Mags. I wish I could be there with you."

"It's okay. I'll be fine. How's your grandma doing?"

"I'm going to KILL Monty when I get back. Grandma's doing better. At least I was here when she got pneumonia so she has someone to help around the house. It's helping the time go by faster."

"Glad to hear she's doing better. I should go. Homework is calling my name."

"Okay. I'm here if you need to talk, or yell, or whatever. Love you!"

"Thanks, Jess. Love you."

You were about to set your phone down when it buzzed again. What did Jess forget? After unlocking it, you see that it wasn't from Jess, it was from Monty and they kept coming when you didn't reply.

"Babygirl I'm so sorry!"

"I know you didn't lie about what happened or about being paired with Down. I was mad about something that happened at the football meeting and took it out on you."

"I'm an asshole. I'm so fucking sorry! I'd do anything to take it back."

"Can I come see you, please? I want to apologize in person. I need to see you."

"If you don't want to see me, can I call you?"

"Babe. Please, say something..."

"I'm sorry. I'll do whatever I can, whatever you want, to make it up to you."

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