Chapter 33.

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"Princess, are you sure? We don't need to go. We can stay here. We should stay here..."

"Dad, you and mom have been talking about going on this trip since you booked it at the beginning of December. When I'm not at school Monty will be here with me. Besides, you got a security system installed so this place is like Fort Knox. Deputy Standall said that I could call him anytime, and he could get officers to drive by every so often when they are out on patrol, if you wanted." Your dad had grown to Like, he'd grown to like Monty. With all of the run-ins you'd been having with Ryan, he said the only way they would consider going on their vacation is if your boyfriend stayed with you. He knew Monty could and would protect you if you needed it.

"But, your prom is only a couple of weeks away. You probably still have shopping and stuff to do, your mom and I could just book ourselves a new trip when you're done school."

"Everything is ready for prom. When mom and I went with Jess and her mom to San Francisco, we got everything I needed." You smiled.

Your mom had been quiet. Observing. Thinking. "Richard," she finally said. "Maggie is right. We have been looking forward to it. It's our Christmas present to each other."

Now he was silent.

You added. "Life has been crazy these past few months. A holiday would be good for both of you. You deserve it."

"And Maggie could probably use a break from us." Your mom snickered.

Your dad finally cracked a smile. "You're probably right, Ev. I guess you should start packing your bags if we're going to leave tomorrow." An excited grin spread on your mom's face. Your dad laughed and pulled her into a hug.

Good. They deserve this. You smiled across the living room at your parents. A whole week of just Monty and I. You took a breath and pushed that thought aside. Tonight was about spending time with your parents before they flew to Hawaii.


The doorbell rang just as you finished setting the table. "Got it!" You hurried to the door but before you opened it, you entered the code for the alarm to turn it off.

"Hey, little bird." Monty stepped inside and set his bag on the floor.

You flung your arms around his neck. "Good morning."

"You remembered to disable the alarm before opening the door this time, good job."

"Well, aren't we sarcastic this morning."

He laughed and kissed your cheek. "But, you're extra cute when I bug you. I have to."

"You're lucky I love you."

"The luckiest."

"Wait." You leaned back and had a good look at him. "What the heck did you do to your hair?" You giggled as you ran your hand through the perfectly-in-place sweep, tousling it back to its usual bed head look. "And your shirt, it's plaid but not your plaid. You look the good boy next door."

"What? You don't think I can be good?" He leaned in, his breath hot on your ear. "Nah, you just like it when I'm bad." His lips made their way down your neck before focusing on the spot where your neck and shoulder met and sucking.

"Monty!" You whispered harshly so your parents wouldn't hear and shoved him.

He chuckled, coming up behind you as you stood in front of the mirror in the entrance. "I can't help it that your neck tastes so good."

"Ugh!" You pulled your shirt up to try and cover the bright red hickey your boyfriend just made.

Monty gave you an innocent grin before kissing your cheek. "And, I had my hair all nice and a fancy plaid shirt because I wanted to show your parents that I'm respectable and reliable so they don't have to worry about picking me to take care of you. They could have easily said you have to stay at Jess' or something."

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