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Monday 7th August 2014 - 7:00 am
Situation: The Blaze family's holiday home in California.

Perspective: Connor Nathan Blaze (specifically a tired and sleep deprived Connor)

Main characters:

Connor Nathan Blaze
Hunter Nico Blaze
Jessica Elizabeth Blaze
Rose Turner

Secondary Characters:

Olivia Turner
Leo Blaze
Brandon Smith
Garrett Smith
Lea Hayes

I slowly awaken and check my phone to see the time ... It's only 6 am. "Fuck" I exclaim, knowing now that I was up, it was pointless trying to go back to sleep. I look around me, seeing the faces of my siblings and friends. They're all asleep, oh how lucky  ... After such a long flight I was looking forward to sleeping too. I let out an awkward sigh while I sit up, with a sloth like movement. Don't get me wrong I'm not lazy, it's just being awake before everyone else sucked, and I hated the silence. I look to my right and see my fiancée sleeping peacefully, I didn't doubt she could sleep through anything. I slowly and quietly lean down, kissing her warm forehead once before getting to my feet. I looked around the lounge. The place looked like a complete mess; bags that needed unpacking lay everywhere. I took the moment to glance over at everyone as they slept. There was my annoying younger brother, Leo. I was forced to bring the little guy along. His position was awkward and uncomfortable, I slowly moved to where he lay, carefully placing a duvet over him. He was a pain in the ass, but I cared about him - most of the time. He was snoring, Aw, bless the little guy.

Among the group there was Olivia, now there's a girl I could talk forever about, she was crazy (but in a good way). Olivia Turner. My ex and my fiancée's older sister, long story.. We're great friends, which is surprising given the circumstances.

Out of everyone who'd come along there was only one person who wasn't in the lounge. Mr hero himself, my older brother Hunter. How can I describe that guy? Well let's just say if you want to be someone whose got everything going for him then you'd want to be Hunter. Growing up I always wanted to be my older brother. He was probably the most responsible of the bunch, aside from my older sister, Jess. She scares me. A lot. And we good reason. Jess can be pretty darn crazy.

Aside from them there was: Miles, his cousin (Ben), Brandon, his annoying little brother (Garrett) and lastly his girlfriend (Lea).

I walked up the marble staircase, heading straight for my room when upstairs. Along the way I took a moment to gaze at the family photos that were on the walls. I fumbled through my trouser's pockets until I got the silver key, which was for my room. I leave it locked while I am back home in the UK. I walk inside, feeling an instant sense of nostalgia as I make my way to my bed. I lay back and pull the duvet over me as I close my eyes. After a while I sit up again, wondering why I even bothered trying to sleep again. I look at my phone, it's nearly 7:45 now, still too early, I sigh once more. I listen to music and browse through pictures on my phone, more time passes and I decide to head outside for a jog ...

I open the front door, "finally" I exclaim as I see Miles and Brandon are awake. I head to the kitchen and start making breakfast for my fiancée, I was hardly a master chef, but I could cook well enough. Brandon leans against the counter, talking to me about girlfriend problems or some shit. Sorry, but I'm too focused on making Rose a perfect breakfast to care about his problems. Besides he's been complaining to me about Lea for months now, and to be honest it's clear to most of us they aren't in love or anything.

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