First Kiss (Sirius)

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The hallways are quiet as you are walking back from the library, having just finished an essay regarding love potions. It is late at night, so you make sure to keep quiet as you head back to your common room, the ambiance of the halls dark and quiet, the scent of ocean from the great lake filling your lungs, as the walls open to the outside. Though this calm night would not last for very long as you stroll down the stone walkways, parchment clutched gently to your chest in your arms, when a crescendo of noise reaches your ears; the sounds of laughter, heaving breaths and quick footfalls rushing in your direction, and you halt your own movements to make sense of what is happening.

When you see James Potter and your boyfriend, Sirius Black, racing toward you with wide, mischievous grins, you can only imagine the trouble they had caused, due to their urgency to get away. Confusion takes over your expression as you hear cracks from hexes and jinxes being sent in their direction from unknown people behind them, and you assume they are the victims of whatever mischief the two (or perhaps all four) boys had caused.

You stand in your place, your head tilted to the side and your eyebrows furrowed as you shake your head almost condescendingly, as though reprimanding a couple of young children to no avail, as you know it will not stop them from continuing with their antics in the future. Not unexpectedly, their smug smirks remain on their lips, but something you would not have expected; Sirius grabs one of your hands, pulling you along with them against your will, your eyes widening with shock, but you don't resist. You run along with them, scared of what would happen to you if you had stayed in the corridor when those students, who were throwing spells in their direction, had caught up.

"Can't have you getting hurt, can we?" Sirius confirms your suspicions, his voice coming out light and out of breath, a soft laugh escaping his lips as he winks over at you.

You quickly run out of breath, this kind of exercise not really being a regular activity for you, but you manage an annoyed huff, wanting it to be loud enough for the boy to hear. "Always dragging me into your shit, Black ..."

If possible, Sirius' grin widens, but it develops into a more genuine smile. While you are whining, you don't really mind; you love being around the gryffindor whenever possible. He never fails to make you feel good or happy, or to make you laugh.

"Oh, but you love it, don't you, (y/l/n)?" he chuckles once again, and you feel as though he can read your thoughts, and you actively try to fight off a smile, shaking your head once again.

"As much as we love to see it," you hear James' breathless voice, "I'm gonna need you two to not flirt for ten seconds, considering what's coming."

You chew the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from rebutting his statement, and instead you listen to what James has to say.

"Okay-" he stops to check behind himself, then glances around before shoving you and Sirius towards a nearby classroom, "go! I'll hide over here. Wait until I give the signal that it's clear."

Sirius nods and pulls you into the classroom as James goes to hide in a broom closet, and he carefully closes the door behind you two to try and not make too much noise and alert the people chasing them as to where they are. He makes his way over to a wardrobe, with you in tow, as you both hear a couple footsteps making their way towards where you both are hiding, and he pulls you inside. You had almost yelled at Sirius for dragging you around everywhere, but you bite your lip as you hear the door to the classroom you both are hiding in open, and your breath hitches.

Sirius wraps an arm around you, your other hand still clutching at the paper you had been holding onto, and you huddle into the taller boy's warm and solid chest, resting your head there as you practically hold your breath, his presence calming you. You both begin to take slow, deep breaths, needing to catch your breath from all that running while still remaining quiet as to not get caught.

The taller boy traces your spine gently with the tips of his fingers, continuing to calm you somewhat, and at some point his hand rests on your shoulder, his thumb softly running over the crook of you neck, and you let out a soft breath. His thumb soon anchors under your chin, making you suddenly aware that Sirius had been gazing down at you for almost the entire time, and you begin to feel a warm sensation fill your body. He tilts your head up to look back at him, and although the wardrobe is dark, you catch the vague glistening of his eyes, specks of light from the cracks in the doors reflecting over his soft smile, and you, too, find the corner of your lips pulling into a small grin.

The both of you suddenly forget about the world around you, the other in front of you being the only person that matters at that moment. Sirius' thumb makes its' way up to glide over your bottom lip, his palm cradling you cheek, and you lean into his touch, craving more. Although there are no words spoken, you could see his eyes asking for permission, and you give him a short nod, your eyes glancing down at his lips, a slight nervous feeling fills your already warm body, your free hand resting on Sirius' chest.

He leans in, brushing his lips over yours as though testing the waters, not wanting you to regret kissing him, but you lean in the rest of the way, capturing his lips in a firm kiss, erasing his sudden insecurities. His hand moves from the side of your face once he regains himself, tilting his head to deepen the kiss as his fingers glide around to the back of your neck, keeping you close as you move your lips against each other's passionately, but still quite shy. You do not know what had come over you; you had never kissed anyone before, so you hope you don't suck at it, although the taller boy does not pull away, so you continue to kiss him, following his lead.

Unknowingly to you, your pieces of parchment had fallen from your other hand at some point, but it doesn't bother you, you mind fixated on Sirius at that moment.

Little did the both of you know, the group of people that had been chasing after you all are long gone, and it isn't too long before an annoyed James opens the doors to the wardrobe to reveal the two of you, and you spring away from Sirius as though you had been caught doing something you shouldn't. 

James looks between the two of you with a raised eyebrow, one of his hands resting on his cocked hip, visibly unimpressed. 

"You done? Brilliant." his tone is dry, and under normal circumstances you would have laughed, but right now it just causes your cheeks to flush, and you pull yourself from Sirius' embrace, a little embarrassed. "If I can't be in a happy, peaceful relationship, then I have the legal right to ruin your 'moments' together. Come on, they're all gone, you guys have been in here for forever," he rolls his eyes, turning to walk away from the both of you, out of the classroom.

Despite his annoyance, you can tell he's amused at you and Sirius, maybe even proud of the both of you, but he doesn't want to admit it, or rather he finds joy in embarrassing you and Sirius. 

You huff once again, furiously gathering your essay from the floor of the wardrobe and grabbing Sirius' hand as you begin to follow after James to exit the classroom. Before you two can leave, Sirius leans in close to you, whispering into your ear, "I really liked that ... we should do that again sometime," and you find yourself smiling widely, chuckling to yourself as you turn to look up at Sirius, nodding eagerly.

"Indeed we should," you wink at Sirius as you both walk out the door.

A/N: omg that was a lot longer than I thought it'd be, but I'm not mad tbh, I had fun writing this. Also yayyyy it's nearly my birthday hhhh I'll be 19 in like 9 days, I'm kinda excited. Anyway, hope you guys are staying safe in this pandemic, make sure to follow the restrictions, they're there for you and everyone else's health and well being. Remember black lives matter, black trans lives matter, and happy pride for everyone! Love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2021 ⏰

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