Part Two

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Dear Diary,

I had a dream.

Last night I had a dream. No, I was wrong; it was a nightmare. It wasn't about ghosts or scary people. It isn't the type of nightmare that most would dream of. I don't think I've ever been this scared in my life. When you know what my nightmare was about, you'd probably say I was a crybaby because you might think it was silly to dream of such thing.

There was a girl, and she was sad. She constantly cried herself to sleep while drifting off to "Hello" by Evanescence playing from her phone. She would often cry in the bathrooms and she would cry as fast as she can so no one could suspect she was crying. When people asked her why were her eyes red she would just reply "I'm highly allergic to dust". She would often say she ate but truthfully not one food entered her mouth. She would often look at herself in the mirror but in just her underwear and scream out insults to herself and eventually take her hairbrush and throw it to the mirror which shattered instantly to millions of pieces. She would constantly listen to music loudly through her headphones despite her parents complaining about so but little did they knew that she was trying to stop those little voices in her head that keeps insulting her repeatedly till she finally had enough and gave up. The tears, the screams, the pain, the feeling of worthlessness overcame her and won the battle over her life. And the scariest part of the dream? She looked exactly like me.

When I woke up with shock, my breath was hitching; my body covered in sweat, tears skimming down my cheek and the dark room that I saw in the dream. The small bean bag I had in the corner was where that girl cried. The mirror besides my door was the one that was smashed to pieces. And this bed was the place she cried herself to sleep every night.

This morning I was going to meet Belle as per usual at my locker but she wasn't there. When I eventually saw her in Math, she didn't sit next to me but at the far corner and avoided eye contact. I wondered why Belle was acting strangely this way. Did I do something wrong? Did she hear something bad about me? In free period I asked Ryder what I was supposed to do.

"Confront her; she might be hiding something important."

"Are you sure?"

"Definitely and when she does, don't forget to tell me why."

I departed from Ryder early to meet Belle. I knew she was at her locker since she hangs out with her cousin there every time there's free period. When I eventually saw her, she was alone at her locker rearranging her files.

"Belle, what's going on?" she jumped slightly at the sound of my voice.

"W-w-what do you mean Sunshine?" she stuttered shakily.

"Why are you being so distant and such? Did I do something wrong?"

"You didn't do anything wrong. Come here." She said and sat on the bench opposite of her locker. "Don't freak out or anything okay." She said and I nodded not knowing what was in stored for me. "I was looking at the town's history on the website since I just moved here and I don't anything about this town. Then I came across this article. A month before summer break, there was a girl who tried to kill herself. In the article, it was said that she jumped from Hayden's Cliff to the ocean below. Her planned failed when she got hit unconscious by the powerful current and floated upwards that drifted up to shore." Belle said in a serious tone as she looked at me wearily. What does this story connect to me?

"What does it have to do with me?"

"The girl's name was...Sunshine Rivers. You're Sunshine Rivers." I could feel myself breathing roughly, why was I breathing like this? My brain started hurting as I tried to swallow this information in. There's no way. No. How come I can't remember? "Sunshine, are you okay?" everything was woozy and the last thing I remembered was falling to the hard ground as darkness pulled me in.

The Silent Bad Boy, The Broken Diary and I (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now