Part Six

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  • Dedicated to Sunshine Bryony Rivers


Dear Diary,

Mum came home.

First of all I like to apologize for not writing to you for a long time. You’re probably like “Sunshine, how could you forget me for 2 whole months?!?!” Sorry. I have been really busy with schoolwork and there really was no time to write. God, I feel horrible.

 A few days after my talk with Dan, Ryder found this diary and teased me with it. Ryder likes to tease me by the fact that I like him and he says it cute that I like him. Sadly, we are still not together. I honestly don’t mind as long I have him by my side and be by his side till he tells me to go away. Ryder has finally started talking and I love his voice so much. I found out that Ryder likes to talk although his voice does get a bit hoarse after awhile. I still find it heavenly though.

Back to the topic; I woke up early since the others and I were going to surprise Christina for her birthday. It eventually stopped snowing and the early signs of spring were approaching slowly. I had dressed up in a purple and white cocktail dress but with black tights under since I don’t quite trust the weather nowadays. I was finishing curling my hair when Oli came inside my room in his Batman pajamas set with matching slippers.

“Grandma’s home!” He said excitedly as he ran back out into the hallway. My heart clenched tightly. Mum was home?

I got my things and headed downstairs where Diana was hugging Mum from her side. I looked at Mum disappointedly. Dad was leaning on the wall near the stairs as he stared at Mum and the others. I walked around them to the front door till I heard someone call my name.

“Sunshine, aren’t you going to welcome your Mum?” She said while holding her arms out.

I looked at her arms for a minute and remembered all the bad things she said about the family and me. “I would but when I was little, you told me not to waste my time on imbeciles.” I said before walking out the door casually. I have never insulted Mum before but she deserved it. I’m not telling you to be mean to your parents but if your Mum said those bad things about you and the rest of your family members on a letter and treated the family badly, you shouldn’t waste your time on those wasteful souls.

I looked at Ryder who was on his motorcycle waiting for me in the cold. Ryder also got a new motorcycle but this one is more terrifying than his other one. When I ride this one, it’s faster and I imagine that the powerful rush of wind would push me off the motorcycle and I get hit by a truck. I’m recovering but I didn’t say that my mind isn’t dark anymore.

I smiled at him when I reached as he leant me his hand so I could climb up the motorcycle but my frown disappeared when I heard Mum’s voice shout for me. “You’re still a spoilt little brat! You’re a useless child just like your other siblings. I swear to god Sunshine, if you dare go on that boy’s bike; I will burn your old diary!”

My old diary? Was she talking about the book I lost before I started this new one? I looked at her with a smug grin on her face and my other family members who looked worriedly at me were behind her but then I looked at Ryder’s hand that was still clutching my hand. I looked at my Mum and smiled. “Bite me.” I said and got on the motorcycle.

The Silent Bad Boy, The Broken Diary and I (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now