Part 2 | Break The Silence

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💕Part Two💕 Break The Silence

💕The next few days💕

Vanessa's Point of View
Okay so the weekend wasn't what I expected to be, Jake and I are officially cool again. We've been communicating a lot with each other lately, for the make up that he lost when we weren't speaking to each other.

He keeps bringing up this girl Bella who was Chief Swan daughter. Chief Swan is Bella's father and also Jacob's father's closest friend, and I got to know him pretty well since Jacob and I started dating.

Then one day things started changing between Jacob and I. He stopped returning my calls, even when I go visit him, he's never there. Mr. Black says something about running errands for him. Now I'm feeling like I'm losing my boyfriend again, but I think I'm losing him more to that Bella girl he's been hanging with him a lot, which kills me a lot, and no I am not jealous.

End of Point of View

*washing dishes with Emily* Emily can I asked you something

sure sweetie what is it?

it's about Jake, I think something up with him

*nervous* why would you say that?

he hasn't called or visited, and now I feel like our relationship is drifting apart, because he's not telling me anything

V maybe he has his reason

Well I hope he has a very good reason why he isn't with his girlfriend, and spending time with this Bella girl he keeps bragging about.

I haven't meant this Bella girl, is she pretty?

*shrugs shoulder* she is okay, but it doesn't seem like she is much into him. I know Jacob told me that she's seeing someone right now, but why is he always after her

Nessa, maybe you shouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly...

or maybe Jake doesn't want to be seen with me anymore

*sighs, and changes the subject* So how are driving lessons going, since you passed your permit?

Great, Sam was a little aggressive at first but I think we're communicating better. Now stop trying to change the subject and try to help me out here

Nessa don't worry about Jacob

Wait a minute, you know something? You, know something that I don't

I have no idea what you're talking about

forget it, I finish the dishes, can I leave now?

*sighs* sure

*about to head out*

Where do you think you're going?

don't worry I'm just going for a walk *sneaks Emily's key in her pocket before she looks away and smiles innocently*

okay don't forget to take your jacket, it's going to rain out their

yes ma'am, and don't worry I'll be "very" careful

*smiles* good

Once Vanessa exits the house, she looks back, before taking out Emily's car keys. She goes over to Emily truck, she gets in, and quickly drives off before she gets caught.

Vanessa parks around so familiarly, she always wonders to herself why she would come here. She noticed an old beat up red truck, and she groans silently, knowing quickly that it was Bella.

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