Part 8 | The Newborn Battle

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Part 8| The Newborn Battle

Vanessa was with Riley, her mother Allison and Victoria, while the newborns were trying to make their way past the Cullens and werewolves. One of the newborns, saw someone from far away, Riley, Allison and Victoria sense it and they knew who it was.

They made their way up to the mountains dragging Vanessa along the way who was struggling away. They spotted Edward, Bella and Edward noticed them and protected Bella from behind him.

Seth notices Vanessa behind Riley and growls at him viciously.

Riley: oh look the mutt has a lover *smirks at Vanessa*

Vanessa shivers at his look and tries to back away from him, but he tug on the chain and pulls her closer to him and whispers in her.

Riley: you do anything to try to escape or else that mutt of yours dies a painful death

Vanessa has a horrid look on her face, she looks toward Edward and tells him in her mind to tell Seth to calm down and Edward nods and tells Seth, and of course he calms.

Riley pushed Vanessa towards Allison, went to lunge toward Bella and took him down and tried to fight him. Seth lounges at Allison who has his imprint, but Allison shoves him against the tree, making Vanessa growl at her mother.

don't you growl at me young lady

Vanessa ignores her mother and starts shaking, everyone around stops what they're doing and notices her changes. Allison backs away from her daughter, as she breaks free from the chain, shredding her clothes and now landing four feet.

Vanessa screamed in her thoughts when she noticed that she wasn't herself anymore, the pack heard her scream and started thinking to her but she tries so hard to ignore them, and growls toward her mother until she heard a familiar voice. 'Vanessa calm down! Seth told us what happened' Sam's face brightened up when she heard her brother's voice.

-thinks - 'Sam is that you'

-thinks- 'yes Vanessa it's me I miss you so much'

-thinks - 'I miss you too Sam'

-thinks - 'uh... guys now not the time too, when we have a lot of leeches too shred'

-thinks- 'Sam can we talk later, I'll tell you everything that happened but right now, Seth and I are kind of busy at the moment'

-thinks - 'Yeah and so are we!'

-thinks- Sam can I?

-thinks- Vanessa no, you have no training let Seth take care of it

-thinks- No I'm tired of you treating me like a baby! That's the whole reason why I ran away in the first place. Plus you kept this a secret from me and I found out about this by Riley I don't think so. I know what I must do Sam, I been seeing them train you have to trust me

-thinks- fine I... T-trust you

-thinks- Uh... Now that's handle, can you please help me Vanessa? We're kind of in a middle of a battle here

Vanessa breaks away from their thoughts and growls at her mother who was still shocked and Vanessa right there attacked her mother while Seth did the same with Riley as Victoria fought Edward.


When Edward snaps Victoria's head off her body, he rips a shirt from his sleeves and covers Bella's arm.

Seth reunited with his mate and snuggled into her fur with his head like how animals do. Seth thought of Edward to burn the body's. Edward told Bella and he lit a fire and burned Victoria, Riley and Alison's body.

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