Don't waste anything

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Avengers meeting

"First order of business" Steve said.
All the avengers were gathered around a large table in Avengers headquarters. Steve was at the front of the rather large table, all eyes on him. They were listening to his monthly speeches. He clicked a button on his remote he was holding, which made a remote town appear on the modern TV.

"This is town Ghanarish, these people have to work day and night providing good and supplies to this city" Steve looked at everyone, "as supers, we need to, in some way, help these people."
Steve pressed the remote again, causing a symbol to pop up.
"So, I have created a Waste less project to be advised in this tower. We must not waste any off our food, other wise these innocent people are working their asses off for no reason. So now, we must all finish all of our meal's. Do not take more than you can eat, take a small portion and then go back for more if you are still hungry".

The avengers all nodded and left when Steve dismissed them. Steve cleared up the table and left the office.


Steve was asleep in the Avengers tower,  wearing nothing but his tight boxers. He usually was a heavy sleeper, nothing  really woke him up in the night. But this night was particularly hot. It was the middle of July after all. Steve was trying to stay cool but he just couldn't. This woke him up, causing him to groggily make his way to the bathroom.

Once he finished his business, Steve was about to attempt to return back to sleep, when he heard a noise coming from the kitchen. It wasn't a loud noise, but he was able to hear it clearly. He put on his blue and red dressing gown and decided to investigate.

Once he managed arrived at the kitchen, his eyes adjusted to the light and he saw the back of someone's head eating something. This mystery man had pale skin and smooth brown hair. Steve almost immediately figured out who it was.

"Kid?" Steve questioned.
He was right Peter quickly noticed that someone was watching him and he quickly turned around. Peter was always called Kid, but he didn't really mind.
"O..oh...Mr Rogers...sir...I...I'm sorry...I don't know anyone was.."
"Its okay kid"
Peter was wearing pyjamas that had little spidermen on them. Steve thought it was kind of cute. They were short sleeved and he never noticed how strong Peters arms looked.
"What are you eating?" Steve asked curiously, casually taking a seat next to Peter.
" a chocolate cake I found in the fridge, I overheard of was for Thor, but he's trying to lose weight, so he wouldn't eat it..."
Steve nodded his head. He looked at the cake, it had a rich chocolate icing and a soft sponge. It looked quite fattening, but that wouldn't stop Peter from eating it. Steve suddenly had an image of a chubby Peter in his head. He could feel his boxers getting tighter. Was he really turned on by this thought? He knew he was gay, everyone did, but why did he like the thought of a fat Peter?

"Well, you can't waste any of it, you have too eat it all now", Steve didn't know why he said that. Partly because it was what he discussed during their meeting this morning, partly because he wanted to see what Peter would look like with a belly on him.

Peter had a slightly worried face. How was he meant to eat all of that cake? He only had one small slice!
" But...Mr Rogers... I don't think I can..."
"Yes you can kid...just focus on eating, remember, you have too if you want to make those poor peoples jobs worth it".
Peter meekly shook his head and slowly picked up the fork.

He sunk it into the gooey icing and into the sponge. He ate the forkful and reached for another bite. Steve just watched as Peter ate and ate, each part of the cake slowly disappearing into Peters stomach. Steve's robe slowly became un-done, so he tied it back up again. He noticed Peter took a glance at Steve's exposed torso for a second, and then went back to eating.

He started to slow down when he was a quarter of the way through. His belly had some added pudge to it. Steve noticed about the slowing of Peters eating.
" You OK kid?" Steve asked.
"Y...yeah its just *pant* tight" Peter replied, rubbing his small but bloated belly.
Steve decided to aid Peter. He shuffled over towards him and gently placed his hand on Peters abdomen. Peter seemed reluctant at first, but when Steve started to rub it, his belly was less tight. Peter tried not to moan, but it was hard, so he moaned subtlely, but Steve heard, which gave him a stiff piece of wood. Peter felt something arise from his throat. Peter opened his mouth slightly and burped softly. Steve's hard-on grew, and Peter blushed a deep shade of red.
"Its okay kid, burp all you want!" Steve whispered in Peters ear. Peters blush gradually faded when he knew Steve was alright with that.

He stuck the fork back in the cake and continued eating, while Steve carried on rubbing Peters forming belly. He could actually feel it slowly expanding, filling up with cake. Peter let out another small belch and stopped eating.  Steve heard laboured breaths coming from Peter. Steve continued to rub Peters belly. Peter looked down at his enlarged stomach. His eyes went wide as he placed his hand on it. It felt doughy at the top and hard at the bottom. To be honest, he kinda liked it. He was always the skinny one with no meat on his bones. Now he has a belly he likes, and he thinks Steve also likes.

His pyjama shirt was starting to ride up his belly. Steve noticed and lifted it up a bit more, exposing Peters deeper bellybutton. Steve circled around it and then eased his finger into it. Peter let out a burp and a moan, then he continued to eat.

He only had a little bit of cake left. Peter misjudged how big the cake would have been. His belly was extremely bloated, it looked as if he swallowed a basketball! His dropped the fork down in defeat. He placed both his hands on his belly and rubbed it vigorously, trying to release some of the extreme pressure.
"Come on kid, just a bit more..." Steve picked up the spoon, "remember..dont waste anything...".
Steve stabbed a bit if the cake and forced it into Peters mouth. He was already so full, how could he have more? Before he could object, Steve shoved another forkful of cake into Peters full gut. Peter moaned while he chewed on the gooey chocolate. He rubbed his gut and let out a small belch.
Steve was pushing Peters stomach past its limit. Peter was in pain and pleasure at the same time. Although it felt as if he was going to burst, it felt good....really good.

Before he knew, the whole cake was finished, crumbs and all. Peter let out a painful sounding belch and a lot of pants. Steve rubbed Peters ballooned belly and rubbed his back.
" Good job kid" Steve praised Peter. Peter moaned and burped in response. Steve then picked him up bridal style and carried him up to his room.

Peter Parker X Steve Rogers WGWhere stories live. Discover now