06 : Will it be the most Last?

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Night came...
Howling wolves were heard from the distance,
Owls are singing their natural lullabies,
As the darkness bites.

Winwin slept under Lucas' warmest arms, cuddling to sleep...After they spend the day with different emotions like crying secretly,  hurting secretly and laughing and smiling to each other... That day they spent with lot of kisses and hugs.

Winwin later found himself in a dream, Yes! A dream of him...

All alone at that place where he most remember Jaemin... That little Jaemin who ran around that place, calling his name to play, to where he can mostly hear his cheerful and excited laughter as he gone playing...

He walked around on that area inside his dream and by that very moment, he gasps as he saw a familiar teenage boy standing facing his back to him, while watching the river on their place, Tears escaping Winwin's eyes as he covered his mouth... Seeing the boy he missed a lot, seeing the boy he longed to protect under his arms and the boy he miss kissing...

Steps became heavier as his heart and mind don't know what to do... He walk slow until that boy turn his back and face him. Winwin saw how swollen his eyes were, he look so sad and hurt... that's what Winwin thought and Yes, That boy do feel what Winwin thought it was...

"Baba..." the boy called which Winwin's tears stream down heavily "Baba... I know we miss each other but don't torture yourself" he saw tears falling from that angel's eyes "I erased Daddy's memories of me as well as to the others so they won't ever feel the torture of my sudden disappearance... But Baba, why did you say those things to Daddy? Do you know how much his heart hurts that time and doesn't know the reason why? Baba... I know you were hurt because Daddy didn't make time for me before but you know so well that he loves us both so much... Daddy love us... I was also hurt seeing you torturing yourself because of my memories,  I can't stay still up there because I kept on feeling your pain. God keep on telling me to visit you... just to check if you're ready, but Baba... I know you're not ready to set me free but... I love you and I don't want you to feel more pain ever again... You know it so well that I only came to your lives because of your heart's sincerity, He put me on your life as an Angel coming down to earth so you can have the most happiest time of your lives but happy life doesn't end with every happy endings right? And as well as this Angel of your life, leaving the earth as the same... I'm in so much hurt by doing all of this but I love you so much Baba, I don't want to see you being tortured by the memories of me and thank you for everything... Goodbye..."

Just then, Jaemin smile at him... and Winwin's vision of his dream turns to pitch black...

Cuddling under Lucas' arms as tears fall out silently... as a sign of the Erase... As the sign of his aching heart wanting to never Erase that memories, but there's nothing he could ever do right? It's all Erasing now, Yes! At that very moment...

Jaemin did what's the best for his Baba... Erasing his memories of him.

Only with that night,

Last teardrops came out from Winwin's eyes...

Last time seeing Jaemin's face...

Last dream of his most beloved son...

Last goodbye from him...

Last hurtful and painful heart...

Last night of having his son's memories...

Last time seeing his most beautiful smile...

Last at everything about him...

Jaemin's last goodbye...

But... Will that ever be the most 'Last' at everything? They said Nothing is impossible with God. Just like how Jaemin came to their lives by His will... Will He ever send him back to the couple's lives ever again? Will that 'Last' change?

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