S2: Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
'Daily Life'

About 2 days had passed since the teens were interrupted by terrible news. During those days, the group took the time and effort to explore around the island, check their e-Handbooks, and settle into their cottages. It's safe to say that they've partially got used to the environment.

"So what do we do now after going through all this shit." Futakuchi asked. It was about 10 am, and everyone was sitting around in the café deciding on what to do for the day. "Thank goodness no one has murdered." Sugawara says, while smiling in relief. Everyone simply shrugged.


It was that squeaky voice again. Not Monophanie's, but-

"What do you want Monokuma?" The bear sat beside Semi, who was giving him a death glare. "Ya'll are soooooooo boring!! It is the 3rd day and no murder has been committed! Jeez! I must be missing something..."

Half of the teens presented in the room groaned. "No one's gonna play your damn game, just give up al-"

"Ahh that's right! A motive!"

Shirabu was cut off by Monokuma, who had the tone of a person just remembering something. "A motive?" Osamu rehearsed. "Yup! I'll plainly upload your motive video to your e-Handbooks and you guys can watch the fun!! Upupupu...!" With Monokuma gone like that, everyone suddenly felt the vibration of their e-Handbooks from their pockets.

Moniwa was the first to whip out his e-Handbook. He looked at the notification that read, 'Moniwa Kaname's Motive Video.' He then looked at Futakuchi and Aone, who were also taking a look at their e-Handbook.

"We need to watch this?" Atsumu says aloud. "It can't be that bad." Oikawa said, and supposedly started to watch his video. Moniwa and Futakuchi exchange glances, and both began to watch their motive videos.

The distorted sounds and Monokuma's horrible voice filled the entire room up, since they all watched their personal motive video in no privacy.

After watching it, Moniwa dropped his e-Handbook in complete shock. He looked around the room, wide-eyed, and saw that everyone in the room was terribly fazed by what they just watched.

"I-I have to get out of here..." Moniwa spotted Sugawara with the most terrified look in his eyes, and how his arms were wrapped around himself shakily. Mostly everyone looked like that in the café, wherein Moniwa grew worried. Moniwa had to take matters into his own hands, even though he was scared himself.

"E-Everyone!! Please stay calm!!" Moniwa was presented in the middle of the café. He was able to grab the attention of everyone. "That video...it has to be fake! Monokuma is just trying to get us to kill! We can't fall for his dirty tricks!! Let's just all remain calm for now, until further notice."

It came off like Moniwa's declaration eased up their past emotions, and the group seemed to be all good again. "Say, how about we play some beach volleyball?" Hirugami suggested, bringing everyone to simply agree. "Do we even have a beach volleyball and beach volleyball net?" Shirabu said.

"We can check in the warehouse." Futakuchi looked over to Moniwa and Aone, who also made eye contact with him. "So a beach day?" Konoha asked. "Why haven't we thought about this earlier?"

"Probably 'cause some shady ass bear. Now c'mon, let's go have fun!" Atsumu shouts, making everyone cheer enthusiastically. Moniwa turned to Futakuchi, and both then turned towards Aone.

"Let's go."




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