S2: Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
'Daily Life'

"Be careful, Shirabu."

"Yeah yeah, thanks…"

For the remaining 8 teens, who were fortunate enough to live another day, were babying their friend Shirabu. Since his ankle was snapped by Atsumu before he was executed alongside his brother Osamu, the injured boy was put at a drawback, therefore he could barely do his daily things. On top of that, Semi and Suga took the boy to the infirmary, last night, so now he's introduced to a cast

Getting up from his seat to eat breakfast, Semi helped his teammate settle onto his crutches. "Thank you…" Shirabu murmured, making Semi blandly nod. The rest of the crew were either on dishes duty or exchanging words.

'He's more quiet than usual...is it because Atsumu is gone? Well... he, Atsumu, and Futakuchi were pretty close. Futakuchi is still alive, but he's worked up with his other friends. Hmm...strange.' Hirugami wondered. He and Oikawa were the unlucky duo who were on dishes duty. 'Maybe he's mourning, so I won't bother him.'

"I wonder what motive Monokuma will give us now… It seems like those are working." Moniwa was talking to his 2 closest kouhai, Futakuchi and Aone. "I'm tired of this… I want this to end!" The smallest boy of the bunch whines, while Futakuchi rubs his temples and replies, "Despite those motives fake, everyone still falls for it hmm?" 

"For the last time, my motives aren't fake!! They are 100% real!!"

Moniwa and Futakuchi jumped a bit in surprise, while Aone was completely unfazed. Not only Monokuma caught their attention, he's got the others attention too. "Now then, I will like to hand you your next motive! You guys know to drill if ya don't watch em! Ahahahahaha!!"

Monokuma laughs away while a notification, from the teens e-Handbooks, rings through their ears. Moniwa looked down at it, and cringed, not wanting to even watch that shit. But he, and everyone knows, the consequences if they haven't, which led them no choice but to follow Monokuma's rules.

"Speak of the damn devil… Well, I'mma go back to my cottage and watch this garbage. Call me if you need me." Futakuchi declares with a lazy voice and made his way out of the cafeteria. Moniwa and Aone look at each other and nodded like they were telepathically talking to each other, and left the cafeteria as well.

All who was left in the cafe were Semi, Shirabu, Suga, Oikawa, and Hirugami. "I guess I'll go back to my cottage to watch my motive too." Hirugami follows the footsteps of the Dateko boys, while the rest did so as well.

It was definitely an unusual day.




'Alright partner!! Today's motive will involve having a target!! Basically, every living student is given a target, but it’s secret~! Nobody knows who’s target is who’s, unless you give them permission to know. If a student manages to kill their target, they get to leave without trial!! Upupupu…! My heart is pounding with excitement!! On the behalf of my sweet daughter, much luck to everyone!!'

Moniwa jumped out of his seat, drenched in sweat and agony. It takes one person, just one, to end the killing game AND the rest of everyone's lives?! He couldn't let this happen. He couldn't let his friends satisfy Monokuma any more. Before Moniwa could dash outside his door, he noticed his motive video displaying a name, most likely the name of whoever his target is.

'Sugawara Koshi'

"Oh heck no, I am not killing Sugawara!!" Moniwa snatches his e-Handbook, and sneakily makes his way out of his cottage. He had to play this safe, one slip up will cause everyone, including him, to die in the hands of an arrogant one.

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