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Bright Vachirawit, age 40, is casually strolling by the park. Some people recognize him and ask for photos, but majority just takes a glance then gets back to what they were doing – like he was just an ordinary stranger passing by.

And he is now.

He has long quitted being an actor and has been living his life as a music producer. From working in front of the camera, to finally doing tasks behind the scenes.

The weather is especially hot today. There were also many civilians enjoying the summer heat. There are couples. There are elderly people. Children. And families.

"Hey, mister." Bright was cut off from his thinking by a soft voice of a child. He turned to the direction of the voice and found a litte boy, about 7 years old, intently – yet with a hint of shyness in his eyes – staring at him.

Before talking, he crouched so he is leveled with the kid. "Uhm, yes? Do you know me? Or do you need my help with something?"

The boy just blinked. He shakily extended his hand, opened his palm, and showed Bright the thing he is holding.

"You dropped this," the boy simply said.

Bright looked at the item. It was a bracelet. A broken guitar pick made into a bracelet.

He doesn't know why, but a sudden wave of melancholy filled his extremities. A sudden wave of emotions hit him just by looking at that seemingly insignificant thing.


That name was what he remembered upon seeing the thing again. He doesn't know how he dropped the bracelet, or why he is still keeping it all this time. But, one thing is for sure, it gravitates him to remember one person.

Win Metawin.

It has been years now. But still,  just by remembering the name, all emotions he thought he did not have, all emotions he thought were deeply buried in his heart, resurfaced again, like it was all fresh, like it was just yesterday that they met. He remembered their first meeting, their first day on set, their first night out, and their first kiss. All the emotions he supressed came back like a huge wave and crushed him whole.

Shakily, he took the bracelet from the little boy's hand.

"T-thank you," he said. "What is your name?"

"Pipe," the boy replied. "But dad always calls me handsome prince."

And he almost lost his breath. Bright's mouth shook and he wasn't able to say a word for a minute. All he did was stare at the boy who is now smiling at him. His bunny-like teeth, his fair skin, his bright eyes.

Bright did not know what to do, or what to feel. He just stared, awestruck, unable to even move. And then out of nowhere, a new voice spoke, calling the child's name. And that is when Bright thought he lost all his ability to even breath.

"Hey, handsome prince, who are you talking to?" the newcomer, whose voice is painfully familiar to Bright, said.

Slowly, Bright turned his head. And there he is. The person he was just thinking about a while ago. The same person who has kept him distracted all this time.

"Win." Bright almost whispered.

"Dad!" the boy happily jumped to the person named Win.

The newcomer just stared at Bright. There was no hint of recognition in his face, and it was a painful sight.

"Uhm, thank you for looking after my boy," Win said in a very casual tone. "How did you know my name, by the way?"

Bright wasn't able to respond. He did not have the strength nor the courage to. He was just staring at the man standing in front of him, taking it all in. He still have those bright eyes, the prominent nose he always bragged about, and those bunny teeth. Fine lines etched on his forehead, as well as on his eyelids, but still, he is as handsome as he was when Bright first met him.

"Uhm, okay fine. If you don't wanna talk then we'll leave now. Thanks again." And just like that, Win left.

When his back turned on him, Bright felt like calling his name loudly. He felt a strong urge to run after him. To hug him and touch him again. But his feet were rooted to the ground. His body won't allow him to even move a muscle.

As Win's figure disappeared, Bright's memories of the tragic accident 10 years ago came flooding at him.

They were both drunk, Win and him. They celebrated the anniversary of their first series together, and everything was perfect, until that accident happened. They were so engrossed with singing along a Scrubb song that they did not notice the loud horns of a truck behind them. Until it was over. They were bumped and crushed and they went swerving along the road.

Due to the accident, both of them lost their memories.

After years of treatment, Bright was able to remember everything. The other person– the most important person for him– did not.

He tried helping him remember, but he gave up long ago when he saw that Win was just fine without him. And he thought he also is fine now. But he was never fine. He was far from fine.

Life is just too cruel. He has met Win again. And just like before, even though he wants to be with him so bad, the universe just won't allow it.

"I will remember our memories for us, Win. Even if the world forgets, even if YOU forget, I never will. I will always remember that once, we were together."

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