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The moment Win's back turned, his composed expression faded like it was never there in the first place.

His eyes swelled up with tears and he forcefully bit his lip to avoid making any noise. Every step he took, he felt like walking in solid ice while barefoot. Each step was painful. Each step was like death, after death, after death.

Because, he remembers.

He remembers exactly who that man behind him is. He remembers exactly who he was, and what memories have they shared together.

His ruffly hair, those melancholic eyes, the noticeable eyebrows, and the same sexy lips Win always yearned for. He wanted to turn back. To run back. He wanted to hug him, to touch him again. But his child's grip were like chains retraining him from doing the very thing which would make him smile again.

"Hey, dad, you fine?" Pipe softly asked after noticing his father's silence.

"Y-yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

After minutes of waking, they finally arrived to their destination. A columbarium.

"Why are we here, dad? You told me we're gonna meet mom," the child asked.

"Yup, we're gonna meet her. Right now. It's her birthday, remember?"

"But, why here? This does not look like a happy place at all."

"This is not the happy place I told you about. It's far, far, away from here. Your mom is now in that far but happy place. This one, this one is just for us to still see her even though she's now gone to that place," Win tried his best to explain.

Pipe's mother died 2 years ago.

Win first met her one rainy night on February, about 4 years after the accident. He was just strolling on the same place where the accident happened, hoping that he regain all his memories. By this time, he is already having glimpse of his past experiences, but still, it's not fully restored.

Suddenly, he heard soft cries nearby. He turned towards the direction of the sound and was shocked to see a young woman, holding what seems to be baby, standing so close near a bridge's edge.

"Hey, miss!" Win shouted. He ran towards the woman and was greeted by her soft sobbing. Her eyes were puffy and she was biting her lips so hard that it bled.

"S-stay away," she mouthed. "Stay away from me."

"What are you doing with your child? Get back here or you'll fall!" Win tried to get close but the woman acted to jump, making him stop.

"Then I would be the happiest if that happens. If we fall, we will surely die and leave this cruel world behind. I'm so tired, I'm so tired living like this!" The woman was on a roll. She kept blabbering about how miserable her life was. She said she lost her job, then her husband left her for another woman. She's been living alone with her one-year old baby for almost a year now.

It took all of Win's convincing power to make the woman retract. He promised her a job in his company, bring her to his home, and take care of her and the baby. And this was what happened. The woman, whose name was Erica, lived with Win. Although that was the setting, they never had feelings for each other except sympathy and gratefulness. Everything went smoothly for years. Win was slowly remembering his past.

Because the baby has had no name at first, Erica asked Win to name him, as a sign of her gratitude for keeping them under his wings. Win, having no idea what name is good enough, tried remembering a person's name. A person who has been appearing in his dreams lately.

From a vague memory, he always heard someone say the words: "Call me Pipe, and I will call you Betadine. It is our couple nicknames."

Therefore, Win named the child Pipe.

After 4 years of living together, Erica was diagnosed with cancer. She later succumbed to the illness, leaving her child alone. Pipe, who was only five years old that time, did not understand everything so Win had to comfort him the best way he can. He made up stories, and most of all, he fully claimed Pipe as his son.

When his memories returned, Win thought it was all late. He now has a child to take care of, a business to run by himself, and he saw (or thought) that Bright has moved on and was living his own life now. To at least alleviate his longing, he nicknamed his son "handsome prince", in hope that everytime he calls the name, he will be reminded of that certain someone who made him so happy before.

(Meanwhile, back at the park)

Bright is still dumbfounded.

10 minutes. 30 minutes. An hour has passed and he still sat there at the same spot where Win has left him.

The sun is buring his forehead but he feels nothing except forlorn.

How he missed him. How he missed Win so much. All these years, he has lived his life the best way he thought. He went to parties, met girls, went to parties, and met some more girls. Still, a big hollow part in his heart was never refilled again. No matter how he tried go back to his normal self, Win's memory made him into a soulless zombie. Breathing, but not actually living. He lived his life this way for years, and now he saw him again.

Just when he was about to finally leave, a sudden realization hit him.

"H-he named his child Pipe, and he also calls him handsome prince," he whispered to himself. Waves of emotions came flooding down his system and his eyes were filled with tears.

"That was our couple nickname. Only us knew about that," Bright was now talking to himself with a big smile plastered on his face. "H-he must have remembered. He remembers!"

Then off he ran. He ran towards the direction where Win went off to. Tears flowing on his cheeks, sweat all over his face, and heart pounding so loudly. He ran like his life depended on it.

And there he is. The man he loves. Standing with Pipe beside him.

Bright took a step closer. Then another. Every step was like music, and he can clearly hear it.

He crossed the remaining distance and is now facing Win.

"N-nuisance." His voice cracked.


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