Issue #4

421 16 13

Cresskill, NJ

You woke up in your lab about a week after the invasion of the dark realms. You still had no idea what the hell happened but it seemed like the Avngers had it under control. Likd always. You and Naida had helped with fighting off the invading forces before everything was resolved. You then went home to help clean up, which wasn't much thankfully, before you went to Pym Laboratories to help there, which was much more, before you fall asleep on your couch.

After that, everything was kind of a blur. Kamala had called you and told you that you were now the leader of the Champions since she was quitting after a fight against some evil elf chick. Hailey got back to work with her experiments in GIRL which was nice since most of them were in LA fixing the teleporter. Then, out of the blue, your helmet went missing!

You figured Nadia might have taken it to work on it but to your shock, her suit was missing as well. It seems you two weren't the only ones either. Nadia had gotten a call that the Avengers Mansion was broken into and the armory was completely raided. You had no idea what was going on but, you were going to find out. Later.

Y/N: Since everyone is kinda heroing down, we can maybe just, I dunno, relax a bit?

Nadia: Relax? Some of the most deadly weapons in the world are missing and you want to, relax?

You shrugged.

Y/N: If there was going to be an attack, statisticly speaking, it would've already happened. Besides, Tony can make another suit of armor or Cap can get another shield. We're not in any real danger.

Nadia: And you know that how?

Y/N: Call it my super hero huntch.

Nadia just looked at you unconvinced while she petted Timber on your bed. You sighed and grabbed your old pair of goggles and bandana you had kept for emergencies like this.

Y/N: Fine, look, how about this? There's a festival over in East River State Park. We can go there and enjoy this nice day instead of being coped up in this lab all day. If something happens, I'll jump in and do something.

Nadia: And what will you do exactly?

Y/N: Something. Come on. You know you want to. I bet they have treats there that you never even heard of!

Nadia seemed to be thinking about it. Finally, she sighed.

Nadia: Alright. Let's go.

You cheered and turned to Timber.
East River State Park.....

Nadia: Oh my god. This is delicious!

You and her were walking through the crowd of people while you shared a delicious treat Hailey had showed you last year.

Nadia: What is this again?

Y/N: Hong Kong Egg Waffle with rainbow vanilla ice cream, caramel drizzled, and...

Nadia: Are those Fruity Pebbles? I love Fruity Pebbles!

You laughed at her child like behavior as you both walked around and enjoyed the sights. Nadia hasn't really had a chance to go to a fair so this was a nice experience for her. Plus it was a nice sunny day as well. Suddenly, her phone started to ring.

Nadia: It's Tony.

You raised a brow.

Y/N: Why is Tony calling? You think this is about the missing stuff?

Nadia just shrugged. The two of you ducked into a space behind all the booths and you pulled on your mask and goggles. Nadia answered. A hologram of Tony appeared.

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